Ella frowned and looked at the time. It was 7:33 am. She went into the bathroom and cleaned herself up then she made herself some breakfast. As she was munching on the slice of bread, her phone started to ring.

She picked it up and saw that it was Jon, she frowned and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey. Emma?"


"I just called to see if you were feeling okay this morning." Jon said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember last night, do you?"

"What do you know about last night?" She asked him. And he told her.

"You were the man I left the club with?" She said in a small voice. "I called you?"

"Yes and yes." Jon replied.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." He said gently.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"It's no problem."

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." He said. "I have to go now. See you on Thursday."

"Alright." She replied and he hung up. The wave of embarrassment that hit her was so strong. She buried her head in her hands and let a out a long groan. What had she done? Who calls a guy they're attracted to when they're drunk. She was literally at her worst at that moment. She was beyond embarrassed, mortified was a better word.

She decided that what had happened had happened and there was no use crying about it. She picked her phone and called Claudia. But Claudia wasn't picking her phone calls. Ella started to worry a bit. She decided to just go to Claudia's house, she assumed that nobody headed out for a party this early in the day.

Jeremy and Millie held the door open for her. They were dressed in their pajamas. This confused her. Where was Claudia and why hadn't she come to get the door? She asked the two blonde children this question.

"She's giving Josh medicine." Millie answered. Ella's panic was instant. Why was she giving Josh medicine? Millie answered her unasked question. "Josh is sick."

Ella's heart dropped right down to her feet. Josh was sick? She left the two children standing in the doorway and rushed towards the children's room where Josh had stayed the last time.

When she got there, she saw Claudia was sitting on the bed beside him trying to give her son some paracetamol syrup. He himself was on the bed looking pale and very tired. When Claudia asked him to sit up to take the medicine, he groaned. Ella felt her eyes start to water. Josh was never sick, it had been a really long time since she had seen him like this. And the one time she had actually listened to Jazz and left her son to go partying.

"Come on, honey. Please take the medicine." Claudia was saying to Josh. He pressed his lips together and shook his head.

"I want my mommy." He said with tears in his eyes.

"She'll be here soon, honey. Please take the medicine. I'll go call your mommy immediately after you take the medicine." Claudia replied.

"Mommy." She heard her Josh say weakly. She rushed to the bed and lifted him into her arms.

"He might be contagious." Claudia said and as if on cue, Josh sneezed.

"Like I care about that right now." Ella said stroking Josh's hair.

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