Chapter 1

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"I always like to imagine you swimming in puddles of your very own blood."

Lucy's POV

I read the text over and over again. Huh, wrong number? I sighed and went back reading "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said while closing my book. The door opened revealing my dad who was still wearing a business attire.

He smiled at me before seating down on my bed.

"What's up?" I asked. Me and my dad were very close, and my mom and I? Well she lives on the other side of the world since my parents got divorced right after I was born. But we still remain in contact.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be okay by yourself for two weeks. I'm going to San Francisco to meet up with some of the clients." Yes! Two weeks by myself? I can already see it coming, First I'm gonna throw a huge party, sleepover with Scarlet aka my Best friend and since Spring break is coming up, we might even go camping.

I smiled at my dad and nodded.

"Thank you sweetheart for understanding." He kissed my cheek and stand up.

"I leave tomorrow morning. I'm going to leave some few bills on the counter top, okay?" I nodded at him and smiled.

"Be good, okay?" I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Yes" He gave me one last look and left.

Finally... this would be the best Spring Break ever!






Boy, I was wrong...


Hey guys, its been a while lol. I don't if I should continue to write this. Should I? I'll promise that it will get better next time. okay vote and comment!

-Faith Xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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