Movies You Watch Together.

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Anakin: Grown Ups. The story reminds you two of the good old days when you were just a tad bit younger, a tad bit more full of life, and a tad bit more carefree; but also how you've grown older and learned together.

Luke: Phantom of the Opera. Your favorite childhood book was The Phantom of the Opera, so Luke bought the movie for you on your anniversary. You still have a crush on Gerard Butler as the phantom though, so Luke will have to compete for dominance over your heart (he shouldn't have too much trouble).

Poe: Hitch. Many of the blunders made in the movie have also been made by Poe. You love to tease him about it.

Kylo Ren: Friday the 13th. You two don't screw around when it comes to movie nights; that romantic crap just isn't your thing. Instead, the pair of you like to scare yourselves silly with horror movies.

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