Two Flowers

336 51 94

20 Years Forward

Samiha's POV

"Assalam Alaikum mama. Good morning!!!" I chirped happily kissing my mum on the cheek and sliding onto the chair for breakfast.
"Walaikum Salaam beti(daughter). Did you wake up Akbar???"
"Yup. He must be on his way down."
"Ah!! Last year of studies... I'm so excited to finish my studies and finally step foot into the practical world and have....."
"Don't start again now Samiha. You are getting late again" my mum scolded me playfully.

You see I am Samiha Mirza daughter of Nawabzada(Prince) Azharuddin who is a renowned politician and it has always been my dream to be a detective who is known at least on national level. I may or may not have a bad habit of daydreaming...haha!
But who caress...
Not me at least!

Oh and my mom's name is Sajjal Fatima Mirza. She's just a housewife.

Back to reality.
After the breakfast table.

"Mooommmm tell him to hurry up. I'm getting late." I whined
"Coming coming" Akbar called sliding out of his chair and heading towards the living room to fetch the car keys
"Allah Hafiz(Fi aman illah) mom. Remember us in your Duas(prayers)"
I raised my voice a bit while going out of the house.
Ah!! Last year of prison... here we go

8 Hours Later

I finally stumbled into the home and collapsed onto the living room couch. What can I do I was so tired...
"Maamaaaa I'm hooooome n staaarrviiinnngggg.. feed meee before I starve to death..." I called dramatically, for which I was replied by a slipper.
"Oww what was that for??? In fact what's with the mothers n the slippers huh?? I asked rubbing myself.
"How many times do I have to tell you never say anything about dying Samiha??? Now First, go change and then come down"

With this we both shared a laugh.
Mom loves me a lot.

"Okay okay I'm going... someone is in a bad mood today I guess" I mumbled the last part while getting up from the couch.

"I heard that" she called from the kitchen.
My mom has to the most passionate housewife ever. She loves her work soooo much ..haha

Later that day dad called and told me that he would be coming this weekend and I was ecstatic.

You see, he lives in our village for obvious reasons while me my mum and my brother live in Lahore for our studies but my dad spends every first week of month with us and its the week which i always eagerly await.

Oh my Allah I'm so gonna go for shopping with him this weekend. I will force him. haha... he hates shopping though, he finds it boring.

Aiman's POV

"Mom!!!!! can't we eat Dahi Balley(a famous food) today????" I said after observing the dinner that mom was cooking. She was making daal(a name of a dish). It's just soooo dull.

"Be happy with what Allah wrote in your Destiny Aiman!!" mom replied will focusing on the daal that she was cooking.

"Yeah but!!...." I simultaneously replied but mom didn't let me continue.

"No buts Aiman!" She said.

Let me introduce myself. I am Aiman Ahmad. I am THE ONLY CHILD of my mom, she raised me on her own on just a modest salary and that salary is barely able to meet the monthly expenses. She's an independent single mom. Oh and she's a Professor of Urdu in the famous Punjab University Lahore.

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