"Two men look out the same prison bars; One sees mud and the other stars."

Start from the beginning

I was led to the main office then to the part where the holding cell was. They searched me, may I add that Jim was a little too thorough, and went through all the procedures before they put me in my cell. I took this time to survey the area. It was of course full of white people who no doubt hated me. Some of them stared at me while others continued with their conversation, some even seemed reluctant to look my way.

Finally, Joe led me to my cell. I stared at the ground while I waited for Jim to unlock the door. As I did I noticed the drop of blood that fell from my cheek , where the gravel scraped my face outside, to the linoleum floors. I smeared it with my foot.

Joe told me to go in and once I was in he locked the door. He told me to put my wrists through the bars and he took of my handcuffs. I exhaled. The feeling of the tight cuffs being taken off was heaven. it was only temporary though ,of course, as the blood that had been cut off rushed to the ripped skin around my wrists. I inspected them.

The cuffs had sure did a number on me. My wrists had been rubbed raw and the skin was bruised and torn.

I walked to the wooden bed in the corner. I sighed as I saw that that was all it was. Just the wood and its metal frame with an old cover on it. I sat down and the "bed" creaked.

I looked at the clock outside my cell on the facing wall.

5 O' Clock on the dot.

I heard a lot of feet movement as I watched more than half of the workers clocked out. I heard a lot of see you tomorrows and goodbyes. The only people left in my section were Jim, Joe, two other men, and a female secretary. Thomas and the sheriff where nowhere to be found. I did however see the sheriffs office desk. He apparently not only had his own office room, but also a desk facing my cell, to ensure that the prisoner was always watched I'm sure. I saw a picture of him with a woman who I presumed was his wife. In front of them where a girl and a boy . The picture was old seeing as the sheriff looked a lot younger and had a deputy badge. Hmm, who knew a monster could have a family?

Well with a husband and father like him, I was sure they were monsters too.

I yawned. I was exhausted from the whole days ordeals. I didn't even care about my wrists or my face at that point. I just wanted everything to go away, at least for a little bit. I stood and pulled back the cover on the bed, wincing as my wrists resisted any movement. I sat on the makeshift bed and hoisted my legs on the wood. I pulled the cover over me and laid down , fully aware of the five sets of eyes on me. I stared at them.

"Yeah go ahead and get some rest you're going to need it for what's waiting for you tomorrow." one of the unnamed men said rudely.

I just rolled my eyes and rolled onto my side facing the walls. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me under.

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I was dreaming/remembering the day my Dad had come home from one of his marches. He came through the door and Thomas, Ruth, Suzie, and I all rushed to him. Thomas who was 12 at the time hugged Daddy at the waste while Ruth fought me to hug is other side. Daddy scooped down and picked up Suzie (who was 6) in his arms. She nuzzled her face into his neck.

"Stop it now. I hate to see two of the most beautiful girls in the world fighting" Daddy said to us.

Ruth and I both stopped to gush.

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