JAMES (Prologue)

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About three months after the battle in Latveria:

March 1, (year)
James Rogers
In the middle of nowhere

I was forced to do this. It wasn't an option. So I figure I might as well make the most of it. I don't know how long they can keep us. We don't exist according to the world so there is no one to free us. My shrink thinks if I write down the events that so deeply...now I'm quoting him here: "shattered my emotional stance" and "ruined my morale" and lets not forget the best one "put me at risk..." He obviously doesn't understand. I'm not depressed. I'm enraged! He has never known what it is like to live each day not knowing if your best friend was dead or alive. Well...I've got a good paragraph going...I might as well finish it so I can prove to him I did what he wanted.

After seeing Doom's lifeless corpse laying on the ground next to a pool of blood and mysterious runes I was reminded of my physical condition. I was bleeding and barely able to stand. Henry and Azari finally got up off the floor. Torrun had hit them hard so their heads were throbbing. Allison was still as safe and silent as she could be laying off to the side. It was difficult to walk with all the rubble scattered on the floor. I finally gave up and collapsed to the ground. That's all I remember. That and pain...pain like a thousand lashes running up my arm. I understand now that it was caused by the shrapnel of what used to be my gauntlet. Somehow Azari and Henry managed to get both me and Allison through the portal and back to America. Then S.H.I.E.L.D. found us. All of us. And that is why I am here. Sitting at a lousy desk in a  place they can barely call a room. I think I've written enough for the good ole' doc to sign off on.

Present Day/Future

April 1, (year)
James Rogers
S.H.I.E.L.D. Base, Location Unknown

"It's been almost four months since our battle with Doom in Latveria. Torrun and Francis have been missing all this time. I had thought perhaps we would hear a word from them. At least to know if they are...alive. All we have had is silence. Nothing but the hope in the back of our minds. Thanks to "Allison" we are being held in captivity by S.H.I.E.L.D. It is supposably for our own safety. I am inclined to believe otherwise. Henry has adjusted quite well. He has always been in the grey, unable to choose the light or the darkness so I understand why S.H.I.E.L.D. would be a perfect fit. The agents noticed his aptitude for science and technology so they always put his brilliant mind to work doing who knows what. Azari, on the other hand, feels betrayed and like he has let Wakanda down. Since he is "detained" he is unable to assist in the affairs of Wakanda. In other words, he is watching other people rule his nation without his consent. This has made him unusually defensive and aggressive. I understand his tenseness and have offered him my condolences many times. I am not the same person I was before. I suppose grief has that effect on people. Hope is even more deadly than my grief. If I knew for sure the outcome of our battle  I would be able to relax. I would be free to grieve and mourn. No, hope is a more bitter sentiment. As my "psychologist" Dr. Warner insisted I must now discuss my personal state. According to him, recording the lives of other people will not help me cope with my grief. I hate it here. Granted, I am the most respected individual on board and I am treated like a guest, but it is not me they respect. They respect my father and mother. I am thrown in their shadow like some kind of artifact. This grief has brought a darkness forth from me that I cannot understand. I feel as if the morals I once had might have been compromised. I feel willing to do whatever it takes to avenge both Francis and Torrun. In this "confinement" I have still kept up my physical strength and abilities. Though Azari and I are struggling to understand our current situation we tediously train every single day. The one comfort I have from my prescribed "depression" is the ability to write and record what I see in this journal that I keep. Perhaps someday my observations and records will be of use to some individual. That is all I will write for today.

Well here is the prologue! What do you guys think?
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