Chapter 2

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Stiles' POV

"So, what's your name?" I asked as we walked down the hall towards my room.

"Hale," the man said gruffly. 

"Really? That's your first name?" I asked as I opened the door to my room. It was big, with a table and chairs and a large closet. I sat down on my bed and turned to Hale, who was just standing in the doorway, looking awkward. 

"You can come in," I said and Hale walked inside, only to stand even more awkwardly in front of the door. Finally, I got up and grabbed his arm, walking backwards to try and lead him farther into the room. Not realizing how close my bed was, I tripped backwards and ended up pulling Hale on top of me. Hale mumbles an apology and climbs off from me. I could feel the blush in my cheeks and tried not to draw any attention to it. I began showing Hale around my room, pointing out things like the huge closet and the window that you could see the whole land with. Finally, I got bored of Hale enthusiastic silence and decided to show him my favorite part of the room.

"Want to see this?" I asked as I clambered up onto my desk. I am very clumsy and can hardly walk across a room without falling on my face. Hale's expression changed slightly as reached up towards the chandelier.  

"Are you supposed to be doing that?" He asked, arms crossed as he watched me pull down.

"No one's here to stop me," I said as the wall moved back to reveal a staircase. "C'mon." Hale followed me down the tunnel as the wall closed behind us.

"Where does it lead?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure because there's a couple of different tunnels you can take that lead to different places." I stopped as we came to a fork. "Left or right?"

"I don't care Mr. Stilinski."

"Don't call me that. I go by Stiles."

"Ok then, I don't care Stiles." 

"Whatever killjoy," I said as we walked down the left hall. I heard a crack and I turned to see Hale cracking his knuckles menacingly. 

"Now Hale," I said, backing up nervously. "You don't want to fight me. I know karate." Hale laughed as I attempted a karate chop. It was a real laugh, not a snide or snarky one. 

"Go ahead Stiles. Show me where this tunnel ends up." After following the tunnel for about ten more minutes, we finally could see sunlight. I approached it and tried to open the door. I frowned when it refused to open. I shoved on it and tugged at the handle but still nothing. 

"Watch out Stiles," Hale said as he brushed past me. He took the handle in his hand and with one push, it swung open. I stuck my tongue out as I walked out the door. Suddenly, I felt air beneath my feet and I was falling. I felt Hale grab my arm and now I was just swinging in the air. 

"Toss your other hand up," he said and I took his hand. He pulled me up and back into the door. I looked down and saw the pool was directly below us. The tunnel had somehow led to our indoor pool and was just a door in the ceiling. 

"Thanks," I said, standing up.

"Wait a minute," Hale said as he carefully climbed out the door. He grabbed onto the side of the wall and used his arm muscles to go down until he reached the side of the pool.

"I can't do that!" I yelled down to him. Hale rolled his eyes before searching for something to help me down with. There really wasn't anything in here besides the pool and showers.

"I'm jumping!" I said. I quickly began throwing off my clothes, leaving my boxers on. I tossed the clothes at Hale, who caught them and put them on the ground.

"I don't think this is a very good idea," Hale said. I ignored him as I stepped back before jumping through the door. 

"Geronimo!" I yelled as I cannonballed into the water. Once I resurfaced, I saw Hale standing there, dripping wet. I laughed out loud as I swam over to the ladder and climbed out.

"Really Stiles?" He asked.

"Yep," I said as I retrieved my clothes. I bundled them into a ball and grabbed a towel off the shelf. I wrapped it around my waist and beckoned Hale as I went out the door. Hale followed me back through the lobby. There was all kinds of people in the lobby and they all turned to stare at us. I waved and smiled while Hale just looked down at the ground. I went over to the elevator and clicked the fourth floor. 

"Wasn't that fun?" I asked.

"I'm never following you down a hole again."

"Don't be such a........ sourwolf," I spat out. Hale looked at me with his head cocked to the side.

"Sourwolf?" He asked.

"Yeah. That's your new nickname. Sourwolf Hale."

"How'd you come up with that one?" Hale crossed his arms.

"I like wolves and you're so sour all the time." I got out of the elevator and headed back towards my room. I grabbed clothes out of my closet.

"Here," I said as I tossed a tee shirt at him. 

"I have my own clothes," Hale said but he pulled off his shirt anyway and put mine on. It was a lot tighter on him and showed off all of his muscles. I felt my lips get dry and I licked them. Hale was hot! The only problem is, he's like twenty something and I'm not even eighteen yet. Also, he could have a girlfriend. Also, my dad doesn't know that I'm bi yet. 

"Wait here," I instructed as I went into my bathroom. I closed the door and quickly changed. I walked out to see Hale standing there, looking out the window.

"See anything you like?" I asked. I could see him looking at me through the reflection of the glass.



Squee! Sterek is starting up. I'm sorry if this is moving too fast but I don't like books that have like a thirty chapter long start up. I got to exactly 1000 words today (not counting the author's note)! Woah! Update, just like I promised! I hope you all like the chapter and vote and comment!



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