Chapter 6 - [Arrival]

Start from the beginning

I snorted. "Yeah right," I leaned against the railing of the balcony and looked down at the stablemen who had begun to bring out the horses for food. The sun was just about to rise... I could see the red at the horizon peaking out. It was always a relaxing site. "I'm pretty sure he had them executed for not getting the job done."

"Do you really think he had something to do with that?" She looked at me carefully.

"Of course I do."

"But to stoop as low as to try and get you murdered?" She continued. "Why would he do that? Especially after he got you engaged to a princess."

"I'm pretty sure that was his intention. Engaging me off right before my murder would make him less suspicious."

Tabia shuddered. "For you to speak like that... oh Ra, it makes me so... ugh!"

I smiled at her. "Well, to be honest, I don't think he's going to try it again," I said. "He probably knows that I suspect him and that I've discussed it with you all."

She sighed, "to be honest, I don't think that makes me feel particularly better."

I let out a laugh, but looked back at the group of new maids.

"Looks like Aziza's got a new set of girls to torment," Tabia said.

"Yeah," I sighed. "A friend of the girl who saved me is in that group."

"Really?" Tabia sounded very surprised.

I nodded, looking at her.

"Well you better keep an eye on her," she started. "There's no telling what Aziza could do."

"My Prince," one of the maids called before I could respond to Tabia.

When I turned around, she lowered her eyes as she always did and continued to speak.

"Your bath is ready, my Prince."

I nodded, unsurprised by the lack of eye contact.

It was strange because this particular maid had been getting my baths ready for years. Yet she still felt fear to look into my eyes.

I turned back to Tabia, "I guess I'll go check on her soon."

Tabia smirked before suddenly slapping me hard on my back for no apparent reason.

I winced. "Ow!"

"Don't let all this nonsense with uncle get you down, okay?"

I hesitated, but nodded with a smile. "Don't worry. I won't."

– Chione –

Saia and I sat together on the floor for what felt like hours. Apparently we were waiting for the woman in charge of all the maids. I assumed that this woman was Aziza, that lady who Arius said we should be wary of.

Of course, I already didn't like her. Why was she taking so long?

Thankfully, however, there was a lot to look at while we waited.

The palace was massive. I had never seen something so spectacular in my entire life. The walls had gorgeous carvings on them and despite the sun not having risen completely yet, I could see all the beautiful colours of the flowers and the painting and all sorts of other things.

What was also interesting was that despite the fact that the sun had not risen yet, people were already silently running around, beginning their daily chores. It was kind of nice to see normal looking people at the palace.

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