The new guy

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I don't know what it is but I feel a bit bad ditching her. I had to find Ben and Dean.

"Hey, hey Liam!" Ben shouts to me.

"You coming to the partaay this weekend." he asks

"Ummm, no not this weekend. I'm busy!" I lie.

"WHAT!? Dean said the same thing, you guys never pass up the chance to have a party and meet new girls... That's it isn't it you guys have both fallen for her." He snickered and walked away.


Lunch comes around quickly I sit at my usual table. Ben isn't here but Dean is and so is Nataliesha.

"So Leisha how's Liam treatin' ya?"

"Nice name you got for me, I think I'll call you... dean bean, haha yes that's it." She says completely ignoring the question.

"Natalie are you gonna come up with nick names for every one you meet?" I ask.

"Yes. Can't I hottie? I can go back to calling you Liam." she complains.

"No no it's fine Natalie."

"Natalie and I have to go to class, later Dean." I say as lunch comes to an end.

"Bye Dean Bean." Natalie waves to him.

"Bye Liam, bye Leisha."

The rest of the week wasn't that interesting. On Friday I decided to ask her if she wanted to come over.

"Hey Natalie, do you wanna come over this weekend, we can do some of our art homework if you like?" I ask a bit nervously.

"Aww, that's sweet but I'm going to the party. You can-"

She was cut off by Ben.

"Sorry you can't come to the partaay this weekend bro, see ya on Monday."

Somehow I think that what he said was not so much directed at me but directed at Nataliesha.

"See you on Monday Hottie." She waves

"Bye Natalie." I wave back. And she follows ben.

I think about what Natalie might be doing as this weekend. I wonder if Natalie was talking about the same party that Ben was. Maybe he was saying something to her. Maybe he even invited her, and why did she follow him? I decide to confront him on Monday. I also decide to invite Dean over. We take our bikes to the skate park. I try so hard to distract my mind, but I couldn't help but feel a little lost without Natalie.

I see Nataliesha and Ben walking into school together. Suspicious. I go up to Ben. And Natalie waves and walks to her locker.

"Did you invite Natalie to the party we were talking about? And she went home with you on Friday right?" I ask trying to keep myself calm. But not really succeeding

"Yes, but-

"No! How could you I called dibs and this is betrayal, don't speak to me I need a break!" I shout. I then turn around and walk up to Natalie. I'm probably over reacting but that's me, and Cate-alee said that would happen.

"Are you ok? You look like your best friend betrayed you or something." she asks.

"That's because he did." I mutter.

Chapter 4

We walk into form and take my seat next to her luckily I don't have worry about anyone else because there is a free seat on the other side of her. Just as I think this I get interrupted.

"We have another new student his name is 'Beau meeker'." Mrs Greene almost sounds annoyed.

Beau takes the first seat he finds and it is right next to Nataliesha. Damn it!

He introduces himself to her.

"Hey, I'm Beau Meeker."

"Hi, I'm Nataliesha Burgney."

"Hi, I'm Liam Ivory." I say putting my hand out a ruining their moment. Natalie frowns at me.

"Hey Natalie, you give everyone nick names why don't give one to Beau?" I tease.

"Umm okay sure, do you mind if I call you, smokin'?" She directs to Beau but still looking at me.

"Uh sure, can I get the origin of this name?" He questions putting on a posh accent.

"Sure, I call Liam hottie because I think his hot." She says and I smile like a boss. Score!

"And I will call you smokin' cause I think you're smokin' and if I merge the two of you together you're smokin' hot!" she says excitedly. Then my smile fades and Beau smiles like a boss. Damn.

"Nice." He says and gives her a high five.

"I was new here last week and Liam showed me around. Maybe he could show you around?" Natalie suggests

"Sure. Hey because you're calling me smokin' can I call you Taliesha?" Beau asks.

"Yeah, Smokin'" she replies.

At snack I get to show Beau around. Yaaay! Note the sarcasm

At snack Natalie is nowhere to be found so I'm stuck with Beau.

"So, are you and Taliesha, you know?" He asks not even bothering to look at me.

"Umm dating? No." I answer.

"Oh good, she is so pretty."

"Yes, she is."

"Hang on, do you have a crush on her?" He asks and turns to face me.

"Only since I first met her." I reply

"Oh great that means I have competition."

"I saw her first!" I yell

"Hey don't make a scene!" He tries to calm me down, and succeeds.

"What evs." I say.

"Hey smokin' hot." I hear her from behind.

She walks up to us.

"The bell's gonna go soon, where's your locker Beau?" Natalie. Asks

"Uh I think it is right next to yours." He answers.

"Oh ok, well follow me, what class do you have next?"

"I have the same timetable as Liam so I think I have...

"English and maths" she finishes.

"Yeah, how did you know?" he asks

"I have the same timetable as Liam as well."

"Really? Well ain't that a coincidence?" He said in a funny accent making Nataliesha giggle.

"Okay let's go, English and maths, my favourite classes ever!" She says sarcastically.

"Don't worry, it won't be that bad you have me to keep you company." He beamed.

"And me!" I say wanting to be included.

And both Nataliesha and Beau both glare at me.

"What?" I say. I'm starting to get annoyed that I will have to be stuck with Beau and that he likes her.

"Never mind." Natalie says.

We walk to our lockers which happen to be in a row, Natalie's in the middle. We grab our books and head off to class.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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