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As we walk to our lockers she asks "Just out of curiosity, why did you defend me against your friends?"

"I don't know, maybe I like you." I say truthfully.

"Wow, already, I must say I really am flattered." She says sarcastically.


"Yeah absolutely, hottie."

"You think I'm hot, Nataliesha?" I say in a cocky voice.

"Yeah, maybe" she said shyly.

"I must say I really am flattered." I mock her.

"Haha, by the way, just call me Natalie."

"Okay, Natalie, and you can call me... Hottie" I joke.

"See you after lunch, Hottie." She waves putting emphasizes on the nick name.

Holy cow she is actually gonna call me Hottie. Score! I find a seat and think it's amazing what some people can do to others. I have to go speak to Cate-alee, she must know something about this spark thing. Strange she is always so quite. I must have sat there for a while because people have started moving to the lockers.

"Hey Liam." Dean shouts.

"Okay, dude what was up before? Defending the new chick and all?" Ben said taking a seat next to me.

"Don't call her the new chick, her name is Nataliesha."

"Wow, man what a name." Dean says

"Back off man, I call dibs." I say.

"You've only known this Natasha chick for a day." Ben stated angrily.

"Her name is Nataliesha! And you haven't seen her face. Wait here she comes." I say dreamily.

"Dayum she something." Dean whispers.

"I know. Wait, hang on, lay off of her, she's mine and you know it!" I shout, drawing some attention to us.

"What does he know, Liam?" Natalie asks walking over to me.

"Oh nothing Natalie. Here let me introduce you to my mates. Dean and Ben."

"Oh I remember, hey Ben did you find that fire extinguisher cause I'm on fire and if you teo aren't careful you just might get burnt." she says teasing them.

"Let me just go and get it." Ben mumbles and leaves.

"Hey Hottie, I'm gonna take my books to my locker meet me there looks like you have a lot on your hands." She waves and walks off.

"You are so lucky, how did you get her to call you hottie? She's a keeper." Dean walks off shaking his head in amusement.

I wave Natalie goodbye after school and head straight to the library. I spot Cate-alee sitting in a corner. I walk straight over there and sit down.

"What were you talking about in class?" I asked getting right to the point.

She takes a deep breathe pushes hear almost white, but blonde hair behind her pixie ears.

"Okay, I saw it."

"Saw what." I say

"What you guys did, the sparx."

"Really?" I say not believing her

"Yes, trust me I know all about it. I didn't think it could actually happen but it did. It's amazing." She says her grey eyes sparkling.

"Tell me about it then." I say sceptically.

"Okay, well they're called sparx, S-P-A-R-X. It's a reaction between two people. It used to be very common a couple hundred years ago, but now you're lucky to find a pair at all. The pair are now called sparclets, so that's what you are. By the way sparx are created from a collection of things that have to happen in a certain order."

"Okay well what order is that?" What she was saying sounded so ridiculous but somewhere in my bones I know it sounded right.

"Well, first she had to get jealous because of another girl, then you had to defend her, then you had to get jealous and that must have been what happened. How long have you known her?"

"I met her today." I say

"What! Wow you're connection must be pretty strong. Warning, though. You will become very defensive of her, you will over react, but mostly you can't tell Nataliesha."

"And why not?"

"Cause if she finds out about this, one she will freak and avoid you, this will hurt you and cause you to do things you wouldn't normally do, and two... Well just don't tell her."

"What is number two?" I say sternly

"Well, umm, uh she will..." She starts to get nervous

"She will what." I say getting angrier.

"She will, never accept it." She said quickly, then covers her mouth and runs away.

I get home late and spend the rest of my sleepless night thinking about Natalie and what Cate-alee had said, she can't be telling the truth, this is ridiculous. Let's just hope it's gone tomorrow.

I was at school early today. Which is weird, I'm usually on time or late, but never early. Hmmmm I wonder if it has anything to do with Nataliesha? Then I start to worry, is my hair okay and stuff like what girls think about when they're about to meet a really hot guy. Does that mean I think she's hot? Well I do, why am I worrying if it's meant to be it's meant to be, right? I was too busy worrying cause I didn't realize Natalie had arrived and was trying to talk to me.

"Hello? Liam? Are you ok?" she asks waving a hand in front of me.

"Yeah, just thinking." I say snapping out of my daze.

"About?" She asks.

"You." I say tease.


"Yeah, what were you thinking about? And don't say me."

"Fine, I was actually trying to work out what in Earth was happening yesterday." She says poking my shoulder, and I tried to ignore the spark that flew through me.

"So it's still there?" I mumble throwing my hopes out the window

"What's still there?" Dean interrupts.

Doesn't he have good timing? Grhhhh

"Never mind dean, uh have you seen Ben?" I ask, now fiddling with then ends of my t-shirt.

"Not yet, hey nice come back yesterday Nataliesha, I love a girl like that especially when she's hot or should I say on fire?" Dean said flirting.

I gave him a death glare.

"Did you just try to flirt with me?" She asked ever so innocently.

"I-I-I, never mind, later dude, bye leisha." he said basically running off before I could yell at him for giving her a nick name.

"Uh bye? does he do that often?" she questioned.

"Flirt? Only with every attractive girl he sees!" I reply.

"No I mean stutter and not finish his sentences?"

"I actually can't remember him ever doing that, especially with a girl. He is supposed to be Mr Smooth."

"Strange, let's get to class."

"You go ahead, I have to do something."

"Okay." She smiled, but I could see the bit of disappointment in hers eyes as she walked away


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