"They only had one room left, with one bed. So, I guess I can sleep on the ground?"

"Don't be silly, we'll share it. It's big enough and we've done it before."

Josh couldn't help but smile, his cheeks probably turning a bright shade of red which he hid quickly by turning around and unpacking his bag. He grabbed some clean clothes and a towel from the table, then headed towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back in a few."

Tyler replied with some kind of groan which Josh only laughed at as he closed the door. Tyler was already half asleep by the time Josh got out, drying his bright red hair with a towel.

"No, no, no! You are not gonna fall asleep on me, it's only 7h30."

"But I'm tiredddd."

"Stop whining! Hey, how about a movie?"

Tyler opened his eyes and looked at Josh, curiosity taking over him. "Go on."

"I'll get food..!"

Tyler jumped up, eyes wide open and was on both feet. "You had me at food."

Josh laughed as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. The two boys headed to the closest gas station where they grabbed a handful of snacks. The lady looked at the two as she scanned the numerous items: chocolate, chips, candy, gum, Cheetos and popcorn along with a case of beer.

"That'll be 36.27$."

Josh handed her two 20$ bills, "Keep the change, goodnight!"

She smiled and thanked him as Tyler picked up the bags and Josh the case of beer. They filled the back seat with their goodies and Josh kept on driving to the nearest movie rental store.

"You remember Indiana Jones? We use to obsess over the a couple years back!"

Josh looked around as he spotted the third one which was their favourite.

"Temple of Doom, the monkey brains was my favourite part because it always made you squirm."

Tyler was listening to his words: a couple years back. They had known each other for longer than he's been told, he knew he wasn't crazy. He heard right, in the hospital when the doctor told him he had donated blood to him years ago.

"Tyler?" Josh snapped his fingers in front of Tyler's face who was completely lost in thought. Josh was still unaware of what he'd said and Tyler intended to keep it that way, for now at least.

"Yeah, let's watch it!"


Josh picked up the DVD and headed to the register to pay. He smiled as he walked outside, the moon was lighting up the parking lot just enough so we could see the rain drizzle softly on the hood of the car. Tyler remained quiet as the thoughts ran through his mind. He wanted to remember so desperately but he couldn't, he simply couldn't. He sighed at his failures and simply shoved the idea aside. Tonight was about him and Josh, he needed to know more about the man who'd he known his entire life, or so he was told.

Walking in, Josh dimmed the lights and set up the movie. Tyler headed to their small kitchen on the hunt for a bottle opener.

"Found one!"


Tyler turned around and threw it, Josh catching it. With excitement at the impressive catch, Tyler ran towards him for what Josh was sure would be a simple fist bump but to his surprise it wasn't. Tyler began to do their handshake, the one they had created back when they were recording Regional At Best. Without hesitation, as it were just another day, Josh was astonished but took part in this of course.

Tyler wasn't aware this was sacred or something he'd just remembered. His brain just knew it and he didn't question. He looked at Josh with a confused look when he saw his eyes were nearly watering with tears. "Hey, you okay man?"

"Yeah, of course." Josh wiped his eyes and sniffed his nose quickly before any tear dare escape their socket.

"Good, shall we?"

Tyler jumped onto the bed, laying back against the headboard as he sipped a beer and dug his hand into the bag of Cheetos. Josh nodded and pressed play as he lay beside Tyler, sipping his own beer and nibbling on liquorice and Jelly Beans.

The evening went by fast, both boys laughing and stuffing their faces. Tyler was out within an hour or so into the film and Josh took that opportunity to simply dwell on the nostalgic memories that swam within his mind.

He cleared the bed of food wrappers and empty bottles then turned the TV off, lying in bed beside the sleeping Tyler. He chuckled as he turned off the light and wrapped an arm around Tyler who subconsciously moved closer to Josh's chest; his heart making the beat.

I Fancy The Singer (Book 1 // Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now