9 yule ball: ninth letter

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For the first time that evening he looked at Pansy. She had glitter on her eyelids and she was wearing a pink dress. Fat chance of him taking anyone with sparkles on their eyes seriously. "Why don't you go ahead. We boys still have things to sort out. Be a good girl, won't you?" he whispered all this in her ear.

She was blushing when their faces met again and she did as she was told. Draco smirked, it was easy, way to easy. Girls are so uncomplicated.

"Bitch must be thinking herself a prefect. All concerned about punctuality," he laughed at Crabbe and Goyle who just handed him a silver flask. It was Firewhisky. Had it smuggled from Hogsmeade. He took a swig and it burned his throat. There's always a first time for everything but his face will not let it show. "And she looks like a fairy pig's underbelly. Oh for crying-"

The corridor beside the grand staircase fell silent.

"She's beautiful," he heard someone whisper and he looked the way everybody seemed to be turned to.

Hermione descended the staircase.

Draco was speechless and for the first time even he didn't have a single insult to throw her way.

"Perfection," he heard a voice way too similar to his own whisper in awe.

It couldn't be him. He wouldn't. Couldn't. Shouldn't. For the life of him admit it.

Hermione descended the staircase slowly, her periwinkle dress caressing the stone steps, it showed glimpses of her creamy feet covered by a white high heeled shoe that reminded Draco of pearls. The way that it sparkled beneath her. And her hair... Don't let him start on her hair. It was magical how a bush can turn into-don't say pretty- gorgeous tendrils. Worse. Her brown eyes looked like amber and her smile...

Like that bloody git Cinderella.

The warm feeling was gone replaced by a heavy pang of hurt.

Waiting on the foot of the stairs was Krum and by the way he looked at her, Draco knew that he will never let her go for the rest of the night.

And so it was.

Hermione and Krum danced the night away. Krum can't keep his hands to himself, he must have loved holding Hermione's tiny waist beneath that dress of hers. Draco rolled his eyes as he watched Krum lift her for the hundredth time as they danced a faster version of the waltz. Everybody watched including Draco, just from the corner of his eyes, of course. He will never sit this one out like the losers that are Potter and the Weasel.

The Weasel is looking at Hermione with a mixture of depression and disgust. A bad mixture, of course. Draco can almost hear his displacement on her later.

Potter is looking at the Ravenclaw girl dancing with Cedric Diggory. Well, seems like we all know now who's the winner in this event.

Pansy Parkinson grind against him on the corner. They were seated in the shadows. Even though he wanted desperately to be in the light, in the middle of the dance floor. He opened the flask and drank more of the burning Firewhisky. He felt warm but numb at the same time. Parkinson was basically on top of him and he can't feel a thing. He just knows that she's bloody heavy.

The music changed and Hermione and Krum made their way out from the crowd. Draco felt his heart beating fast in apprehension. Where are they going?

Hermione sat by Potter and The Weasel for a while while Krum went and got her a drink. Moments later and she was crying while running out of the hall.

Potter didn't follow her and neither did that sorry excuse of a man Weasel.

Do it. No one else is doing it. Go for it.

Yours in Mayhem |DramioneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt