
After dinner,Q left and I was bored.Everyone else had company except for me and Justin of course.Mom got back,tired and went straight to bed and I wonder what her and Mitchell were up to.
This movie was watching me and not vise versa.I suddenly found myself wondering about Alex!.
Seconds later the devil himself texted me:


I shrugged the smile on my face and simply replied with a 'what!',
And waited for his response.

Can't sleep!

He replied.Rolling my eyes I headed upstairs to my room and plopped myself on my bed.
As I typed and erased on and on, I couldn't find the right words.
The question was which words?,
The 'kind' words which represents desperation.
'So',I replied.It seemed a little too harsh but hey,I'm not his friend, even if he poured his heart out earlier.He was still a jerk!.

Tell me a story...

He ordered and to be truthful I didn't expect it.It was an atomic bomb.'About what!?',I dared.

He replied.Sighing I quickly shut my phone and shoved it under my pillow as reality hit me.Maybe it's one of his pick up lines for girls.
I'm smarter than that.I can't believe I fell for his stupid trap!!.
My inner girly girl conscious spoke with me.It's been a while since she visited me probably months ago when Q tricked me into thinking Tyler was cool only to find out he has a girl friend.I know it sucks but I still consider him as a crush.I know it's too late and I'm old for crushes but hey it happens.You can't skip stages!

So the voice inside wondered who would it hurt if i were to answer his questions.It's not like I'm considering him as a friend or worse a boy friend!.
So I slipped my hand under my pillow and grabbed my phone.
'I can't seem to sleep too,which means you have to tell me a story about me!",I texted.

Ok.Once upon a time...
There lived a very quiet,shy, beautiful princess named Tanya.
Princess Tanya was very gifted.
She had what everyone in the Waterfall Kingdom wished for.
And that was a brain.

Princess Tanya not only had a brain but she had a heart.
But as a princess,this wonderful Princess lacked what all the villagers had and that was love.
(To be clear this ain't the sisters love which concurs all.Like that movie Frozen.)
After helping a poor old man,his greedyness caused Princess Tanya to be sick.

The people in the village did not have a brain and a heart so they lived forever but the princess became sick and she was layed on her death bed.All she needed was love and so she died hoping someone would save her.

Wow.just wow.

'So I'm gonna die?',I replied after reading his story over and over again.

He replied.As I rolled my eyes I  simply typed 'cool!'.

Kidding!.That was not the end.
After months and years gone by the villagers moved on with their lives.
Far far away from the Waterfall  kingdom,lived a very handsome,
Fine gentleman.

He had heard the story of princess Tanya and decided to help her.He took princess Tanya's heart and brain out of her body and she lived again.

She was happy to live without her heart and brain because she now had what she always wished for and that was LOVE...
She fell in love with the handsome gentleman that saved her life.

They lived happily ever after.
The end!

'That was so cheesy,and FYI I would have loved it if it was similar to the movie Frozen',I replied and quickly turned off the lights and got underneath the sheets.

Whatever.I enjoyed writing it and it is somehow related to it.
They all sacrificed what they cherished for love,love...

'I think I'm impressed,always thought you didn't have a brain, no offense!',I replied.

Non taken,so you always think about me?

'I didn't say that!',I rolled my eyes

You pretty much did! Don't worry,I do too.

'You are such a jerk,now live me alone it's late and I wanna sleep!', I replied back.

It's Friday and you owe me a story too!

'No ways I'm tired!',I replied and for real my eyes where getting heavier and heavier.

Come on,I can't sleep.Mom's away on business!

'Really how sad,how I wish I was there to tuck you in and kiss your grown ass forehead!',I typed putting as many exclamation marks as I can.

That's not a bad idea...Plz I need to sleep.

'Gross,Fine I'll tell.Promise you'll fall asleep and live me alone?!',
I yawned.

I promise.

Here goes nothing...

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