iv. schemes

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Everyone finished their food by 7:30 AM, which meant you had one hour left before classes started on 8:30 AM.

You noticed this and bid them farewell then sprinted off as fast as you could, "Umm.. thanks for the treat. I hope you don't mind but I'll be going now".

"I'll take the window" You heard Emil say as he sighed... in relief?

'I knew it. I was just bugging them. I'm so stupid.' You thought. You were only about 25 meters away from them when you saw a car stop beside you.

Emil, who looked very red, rolled down the window and told you, "We're giving you a ride, (Y-Y/n).. remember? Sorry for forgetting" while a chuckling Tino and Matthias can be heard. Your eyes sparkled.

You were so thankful that you forgot it was your crush you were with and that you weren't alone. Berwald was the one driving and Tino was beside. The rest were seated at the back with so little space that you ended up sitting on Emil's lap. You sat on him as stiff as possible. Matthias just kept on laughing and you just frowned. You glared at Matthias with a you-better-keep-your-mouth-shut.

'Oh no. No, no. no, no no!' You thought. "I think this is not a very good idea.." You managed to say with a small voice.

"What if I'm too heavy!?" You turned red at the thought you mumbled to yourself and you heard Matthias exclaim, "Nyehehe! I think you're not a bad one either. Are you two having fun there? Emil?... (Y/n)?".

"w-what.." you only got to say. And again, the silence was eating you all away.

"Oh! by the way.. I'm (f/n) (m/n) (l/n). Sorry if I didn't introduce myself properly a while ago." You started only to be followed by silence again.

"I think everyone knows you already, (Y/n). The same as how you know us. Especially Matthias there" Tino told you.

"You mean, especially, Emil... right?" Matthias snickered only to earn a comeback from Emil together with a death glare, "Shut up".

"I'm really sorry to trouble you Emil" You apologize as you look down at your shoes.

"It's okay, don't worry about me" Emil just replies as he lets out a heavy sigh of -- contentment?

"You're not troubling us at all, (Y/n)" Lukas assures you, "... and thanks for looking after my little brother when I'm not there." By this, you look up to Lukas giving him a quizzical look, "What do you mean?"

"You're wrong, Norge. I think it's the other way around" Matthias butts in. You turn to look at Emil behind you.

"Matthias and me, we're your classmates aren't we?" Emil shrugs it off quite normally.

"Y-yeah, I guess? I just don't talk that much." You realize this and nod your head shyly.

"Maybe the three of us should start sitting next to each other more, yeah?" Matthias suggests, a sheer excitement painted all over his face.

"I would love that" you answered. 'Good one, Matthias!' You thought as you pull him a small smile but quickly replace it with a worried face when nervousness clouds all over you. Urgh! What about Emil!? What am I going to do with him?

It took only half an hour for you to get to school. Berwald parked the car and everyone got out. You quickly got out, eager to savor your freedom. You put your two hands up as you stretched for the love of space and your personal zone being restored.

That was until Matthias poked you on your underarm. Being the ticklish person that you are, you let out a yelp and dropped with the least of grace to the pavement below, squirming and getting a shiver up your spine.

"M-Matthias!!!" You shout, your voice brimming with annoyance and total anger while your face flushed red of embarassment for the attention you received from other passersby. Matthias and Tino just got engulfed in trying to hold back their laughter, even Emil.

"You should be more careful" Emil then offers a hand for you while still trying to recover from the incident, the tip of his nose, his cheeks and his ears were still a bit of red. You accept it and he helps you up effortlessly. "Thanks" You respond, grateful. All of you then head to your lockers to prepare for your first subjects.

Fifteen minutes later or so, you all go to each of your classes. You, Emil and Matthias had your (f/s) class first so you all went together. This time, you all sat together in the middle row. You ended up being in the middle of Matthias and Emil and through the whole class you can't help but steal glances at Emil.

You could also feel the intense nudging Matthias would initiate everytime he catches you looking sideways.

"Bye, (Y/n) see ya later on the fifth!" Matthias bid you goodbye.

"Bye (Y/n) see you on the fourth" Emil smiled.

The three of you had the chance to engage in conversation on the first two subjects and you were very happy about it. You separated ways for your third subject of which you had with Berwald.

You entered the room quite earlier than before and was startled by someone calling your name. You whipped your head scanning the room and landed your eyes on Berwald who was patting the seat next to him. You headed for the chair and started talking.

You never thought he'd be a friendly guy for he seemed taciturn but you then came to conclusion that he was also like you who was afraid of coming out of his shell. He told you about stuff the other nordics and him would do and you told him about how you were shell-shocked on transferring to (C/n).

You found out that Tino was his best friend and how much he cared not only for Tino, but everyone he considers a friend.

" ... 'ncl'd'ng y' " (...Including you) He finished and you were happy to hear this.

"Thanks" You smiled brightly. By the time the subject finished, you both went out the door you then went away immediately, saying goodbye to your tall new friend.

"Hey, (Y/n)" You hear Emil near your room. He was waiting for you! This made you feel quite special. You flash a bright smile at him, pink tinting your cheeks. You were extremely happy.

Everything happening is so platonic but just being by his side made your heart jump to the ends of the earth.

Praise Matthias.

After the subject ended, you both went out the room together not until Matthias dragged you away from Emil immediately before you even managed to say goodbye. "U-uhm.. bye? I guess.." was Emil's reaction.

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