the beginning

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She loves a boy who is clueless and stupid. But she still loves him. Joshua is athletic and smart (most of the time). Amber and Josh are friends kinda. They get along very well and she thinks he is nice. Well he is, I can't fight that, but he can get annoying. This is Amber's story.

She loves her best friend. She never thought she can love Ryan like this, for how long they knew each other. His mom loves her, they are like family. They fight like brother and sister, act like best friends, love like a married couple. This is Ruby's story.

She loves a boy who no one expected. He doesn't know it like how her friends crushes know. She loves him for him, and no one knew except her best friends. She is confident with other boys but when it comes to him, she is screwed. This is Opal's story.

Three Girls, Three StoriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant