Seeing Double and Getting in Trouble

Start from the beginning

"And why didn't she use a drying spell on her hair? She's obviously old enough to know one."

Sutton finally looked up in a glare.

"Because it would frizz beyond belief, you little McNugget. I can hear you, you know. And I just happen to speak english."

She didn't actually know if her hair would frizz under such circumstances, but it seemed like a good enough answer. And she hated when people talked about her as if she wasn't there.

Then again, most people did.

"Blimey, you one of those witches from the west?"

"Oh yeah," Sutton smirked. "The Wicked Witch of the West, they call me."

A few of the kids looked instantly concerned, but a few started snickering in amusement and understanding of her joke.

"Why're you here? You look too old to be a seventh year."

Once again, Sutton was saved from answering; this time by breakfast ending. In a panic, Sutton shoved as much food into her mouth as possible, chewed twice, and swallowed. Fred and George looked at her with arched brows.

"They serve lunch too, you know."

"Yeah, you were lucky enough to show up on the week that they feed us."

Sutton gave them a face that said she was clearly not amused, and waited for them to get up and start moving away from the table. She tried to slip away as the mass of children left the cafeteria when they were a few feet away, but the twins were quicker and looped their arms through hers.

"Not leaving so soon?"

"You're the most interesting thing that's happened all year!"

"Sneaking through the school and such!"

Sutton shot both of them a droll look.

"It's only the second day at Hogwarts."

"Well, we didn't say-"

"-school year, did we?"

They were almost to the doors and Sutton was gnawing her bottom lip and growing agitated in her anxiety.

"Listen here, Fred, George, if you don't let me go-"

"Mr. and Mr. Weasley," a voice rang out among the hum of the crowd. "A moment, please!"

The boys ground to a stop, halting her with them. Sutton did attempt taking a few steps without them, but they still had their arms looped around hers and simply lifted her marginally up off the floor.

It was so wrong. They were younger than her. They shouldn't be able to lift her up so easily. Ugh, talk about degrading.

"You too, Miss."

Sutton groaned herself, causing both twins to shoot her a look.

The trio turned as one and Sutton found herself looking up to the one-and-only Professor McGonagall.

"Oh dear," she muttered under her breath.

Professor McGonagall was peering down at them through her small spectacles and frowning. She gave Sutton a thorough once over and then locked eyes sternly with her.

"I don't believe I've seen you before, Miss...?"

McGonagall, one of Sutton's favorite professors, certainly lived up to her character. Sutton was practically fidgeting under her sharp, scolding gaze which held no sign of the warmth she knew the woman's gaze could have.

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