Chapter 10

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I walked into the loud cafeteria, not bothering to get any lunch.

I wasn't going to need it, anyways.

My eyes skimmed over the cafeteria, finally landing on him.


He was sitting at a table with a bunch of people I didn't know.

There was a girl on his lap, obviously throwing herself at him.

And he was enjoying it.

She had obviously dyed platinum blonde hair, way too short shorts, and a tight crop top.

She turned around, for a second.

I caught a glimpse of her.

It was Tasha Smith.

She was quite popular for being pretty and easy.

Her parents were very rich, so she was spoiled.

She was known to me and others as the school's, well...


She stole boyfriends, backstabbed so called "friends" and slept with too many guys a week.

And, we hated each other.


She stole my boyfriend years ago, laughed in my face and made out with him in front of me.

I ended up humiliating her in front of basically the whole school.


I was angry.

Marcel was obviously sleeping with other girls too...


Yet so predictable.

I walked as quickly as I could to their table, unsure of what I was going to do.

Tasha turned around. Upon seeing me, a smirk made a way onto her makeup caked face.

"Look who's back, guys," she turned around to her friends, then looked back at me, "Rose... I thought you killed yourself or something. I have to admit, I'm quite disappointed you didn't."

Her friends laughed, whispering a few things to each other.

Marcel turned around, seeing me.

His eyes widened a bit, before recomposing himself.

I ignored her, looking Marcel in the eye.

"Wow, Marcel. You'd go as low as Tasha?" I looked at him, my face full of disgust.

"I thought you were better than that." I said a bit louder, making sure everyone had heard me.

The cafeteria quickly became silent, every eye on us.

"Bitch." Tasha muttered, making my eyes go straight to hers.

I walked closer to her, my eyes locking with hers.

"Excuse me?" I said, as she stood up.

"I SAID, bitch." she snarled, smirking.

My hand curled up into a fist. I was about to raise it, when I felt a warm, familiar hand stop me.

I looked to the owner of the hand.

Marcel, once again.

"Let go of me!" I almost yelled, struggling to loosen the grip he had on me.

"Stop it, Rose. You're better than this." he said quietly, his eyes locking with mine.

"I'M better than this?! YOU'RE better than this! What happened to you, Marcel?" I yelled, tears threatening to spill. He continued looking at me, his face showing no emotion whatsoever.

"I changed, Rose. You're not my type and never will be. Just get over the fact that I used you for sex and move on with your life." he told me coldly, causing a tear to slip from my eyes.

"Wow, I thought you were actually a good guy. I guess I was wrong, wasn't I? You're just like almost every guy. You only want sex, nothing more, right?" I spit, getting out of his grip.

"Exactly." he smirked, laughing.

His friends joined in on the laughing.

Eventually, I did too.

In fact, I walked to his table, grabbed a slushie that just happened to be there, walked back, and poured it all over Marcel.

He immediately stopped laughing, taken aback.

"Not so funny now, is it?" I laughed.

"That's what people like you get." I put a finger to his soaked chest, my sleave falling back to my elbow.

His eyes looked down to my wrist.

And he saw them.

He saw my scars.

Something flashed in his eyes.




I quickly put the sleave back in it's place and took a step back.

"Goodbye asshole." I said, and with that I walked right out of the cafeteria.


Sorry for not uploading again yesterday, my internet kept screwing up on my phone so I switched to my laptop.

I was halfway through writing this chapter when my computer turned off.

I eventually ended up turning it back on (it took awhile) and I reloaded the pages I had opened.

I went to Wattpad, and it had deleted everything.

So I was pretty pissed lol.

Anyways, 3k reads!!





So, why do you think Marcel was such an asshole?

And why do you think he felt the way he felt when he saw Rose's fresh cuts?


I'm going to try to upload daily.

And maybe even twice a day.

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