"Terra's Terror"

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“Daddy, can I have this one too?” Terra asked in her adorable voice she knew her father couldn’t resist as her outstretched arm pointed towards the dark blue t shirt she just had to have.  Mr. Robert McCord, present day owner of McCord Corporation that ships and manufactures steel for nearly half of Utah, rolled his eyes and let out a low grumbling noise as he carefully plucked the blue t shirt from its place on the rack.  He walked Terra to the cash register with an armful of new clothes he was buying Terra for her first week going back to school.  Terra was only 8 years old and she already needed too many clothes.

            “Must be that time of the year again,” the cashier said beaming a smile so wide it could be seen from space.

            Robert couldn’t help but stare at her amazingly white teeth as he handed her the clothes and added, “Yeah, they grow up so fast.”

Robert looked down into Terra’s beautiful blue eyes and couldn’t help but see her mother’s staring back at him.  It’d been 6 and half years since the accident that stole his wife.  His accident…

“Oh c’mon, it’ll be fun!  Remember last year when you accidently spilled your drink into my boss’s lap?  That was hilarious!”  Jess said with that gorgeous smile that always seemed to make him melt inside.

“Yeah, real fun,” Robert scoffed as he exited the bathroom of their beautiful two story home located directly 10 miles north of Park City, Utah.  Robert could not have been happier.  Recently he was promoted to regional director of shipping and manufacturing, just one step below his good friend and owner John Murkoff, at West Coast Steel.  Jess wanted them to attend the annual Christmas banquet Jess’s magazine publishing company held every year.  Things were going equally well for Jess as one of the lead editors for three different magazines published, printed, and sent all over the west coast of the United States.

“Why do you like these stupid little banquets anyway?”  Robert grumbled.

“Because they’re fun!  And besides, how many times do you and I get to go out together alone anymore?  Sometimes I like to get all dressed up and go out with my man,” Jess made her way across the room to plant a warm gentle kiss on Robert’s lips.

“Well what about Terra?” Robert asked seemingly unaffected by the kiss.

Jess nervously shifted her weight in front of the dresser mirror, as she made sure her long brown hair fell perfectly into place.  After a long pause, Jess responded, “I know just who to call.”  Jess punched in a few buttons on her cell phone and left the room.  After about a 5 minute hiatus, Jess reentered the room with that stunning smile on her face.

“All taken care of!”  She beamed.

“What do you mean ‘All taken care of’?” Robert asked intriguingly.

“Well, my friend Ashley from work said her daughter was looking for some babysitter work.  Ssssoooo I hooked her up,” smirking widely from ear to ear, she waited for Robert’s reaction.  Robert knew he had been beaten.  He couldn’t hold his smile back any longer.

“Alright I’ll go,” he resigned to his fate.  “But I’m not sitting next to your boss,” he said smiling right back at Jess and letting out a small snicker.  Jess began jumping up and down cheering joyfully.  After Jess took a moment to calm down, they shared a long, warm, steamy kiss that seemed to last forever.  Jess slowly released her lips from his and looked deep into his eyes.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Robert seemed to get lost in her majestic blue eyes, “I love you too.  More than you will ever know.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2011 ⏰

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