good mornin'

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I wake up to thin beams of sunlight casting their glow on the floor. I look up at my window, squinting. The smell of mint and strawberries drifts in the air. Only one person I know smells so familiarly lovely. My eyes gaze down to my bed. Caleb. His mouth is slightly open, his perfect lips spread in an ever so slight smile. How is it possible to look so attractive while sleeping? I probably look like a baked potato. The memories of the middle of the night slip into my mind. I try to push them away. That was simply awful. I feel fine now, and surprisingly my stomach doesn't hurt at all. This is the set up to a perfect day. My gaze fixes on Caleb again. His curly hair is all over the place in a mass of gorgeous dark brown. I delicately fix a bit of it to show his eyes, and kiss his nose. It twitches and his eyes flutter open.

"G'mornin," he says, propping his head up on his elbow. His faint smile spreads across his face and he leans in to me to kiss me lightly on the cheek.

"Awe, but you looked cute when you were sleeping!" I whine, and smile.

"Do I not look cute now?" He asks, putting out his bottom lip and cocking his head.

"Of course you do, doofus," I say shoving him with my free arm. He grins and leans in to kiss me on the lips. I can still taste the toothpaste on his lips. We pull away at the same time before we gaze at each other. We collapse and lay on our backs, staring at the ceiling and holding hands.

"How are you doin', Eb?" He asks.

"Okay," I say.


"Good," I repeat in a low American accent, to mock Caleb's voice. He laughs and I move closer to him.

"So last night..." he says.

"Let's not talk about last night. I'm just really clumsy that's all."

He laughs, "yeah, you are pretty damn clumsy." I giggle, "but you're just as freaking adorable... If not more."

"Really? I'm as adorable as I am clumsy? That's quite a compliment." I laugh and he squeezes my hand.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too."

"Wanna get up?" He asks.

"No, can we just stay here forever?" I ask.

"I wish..." He says.

"Hold on forever," I whisper. He pulls me closer and pulls me tight.

"Always," he whispers close in my ear.


The rest of the day passes quickly, it's a simple lazy type of day where Caleb and I watch movies and play Minecraft. We make cookies for Mum, Dad, and Joey also, because they're coming home tommorow. Then we go to my room and I take a quick nap because I lost so much sleep. When I wake up I go to Snapchat to see a picture of me sleeping soundly on Caleb's story. I surprisingly don't look crazily ugly. Caleb's in my room and I laugh, showing him the picture.

"So we're the creepy couple that takes pictures of each other sleeping now, huh?" I joke, laughing. He laughs and pounces on the bed and tackles me, kissing my cheeks.

"I couldn't help it! You looked too cute!" He exclaims.

"Hmm," I say as he leans back on the pillows and I lean back on him. He rests his chin on the top of my head and holds my hand. I use the free hand to check instagram. I have gained so many followers on Insta it's crazy. I notice I've been tagged in almost twice as many photos as normal. I go to see what I've been tagged in, and there are easily fifty edits of the picture Caleb just took of me sleeping with the words, "Lay, and put your weary soul to rest." I'm really confused. I look to Caleb and show him the edits.

"What are those lyrics?" I ask him.

"The old Bratayley video intro was to that song," he explains.

"Oh?" I say, searching up YouTube in the computer browser.

"No- you don't need to watch the old vlogs!" He says, grabbing my arm.

"Maybe I don't need to, but I want to," I search up Bratayley and go to their channel. I haven't looked at it for a while. The last video they posted was yesterday's vlog. There's a picture of Annie doing her gym routine as the thumbnail. The video before that is titled "GUESS WHO'S BACK?" And there's a picture of me running into the kitchen Hayley by my side as the thumbnail. So cute! I go to their first videos and begin watching one called "Cheaters Never Win." Little Caleb, little Annie, and little Hayley are all standing in a line.

"ONE, TWO, THREE, SHOUTOUT VIDEO!" Screams little Caleb. I laugh and so does Caleb.

"Wholy crap you were adorable," I say. Then the theme song plays, and the lyrics in the edits make sense. We watch the video, where they do the cartwheel challenge and basically jump around laughing the entire time. I'm laughing hysterically from start to finish. Caleb was so cute! Once it's over, I lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

"You have no idea how much I needed that," I say. He smiles and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"We can watch Bratayley any time if it make you happy," says Caleb.

"Kay," I say.

"Kay," he repeats. I giggle.

"Wait, what time is it?" I ask, remembering we need to go to the LeBlanc's house soon because Liv, Wyatt, Brody, Katie, Ryan, and Brennan are coming over for dinner.

"3:45," he answers.

"Oh! We have to be at your house in fifteen minutes!" I say, jumping up from bed. I need to get makeup on and do my hair, not to mention get dressed.

"What are you doing?!" Asks Caleb as I run into my bathroom to wash my face.

"I need to get ready!" I say.

He laughs, "you look perfect." I duck my head out of the bathroom and narrow my eyes at him.

"Thanks, but look at this rats nest." I point to my hair and he shrugs.

"Alright," he puts his hands up like he's surrendering. I giggle and finish washing my face. After changing into my high waisted shorts and my rose pattern crop tee shirt I sit at my vanity to fix up my hair and makeup. My hair has grown out since it all needed to be chopped off due to the school accident, so it's now shoulder length and very curly. I run my fingers through it to get out some of the bigger knots then use hairspray so the ringlets will stay in place. Then I grab a bandana and tie it around my head so it doesn't cover my face. I put on some under eye concealer and a bit of eyeliner. This is as good as it's gonna get. I pull on my battered up black Converse. I don't bother tying the laces anymore, I just force them on. Then I put my glasses on because I'm way to lazy to deal with contacts right now. Caleb sits on the bed and watches me, a small smile spread across his face. He looks happy sitting there watching me. Adorable, too. I stand up and kiss him, breaking whatever daze he was just in.

"Let's go," I say.

"Right, let's go."

heyy guys!

make sure to vote if you liked it! i'm trying to get 300 votes!!

ALSOOO, would you guys like a new chapter tomorrow or monday? I might be able to do both, but it's up to you guys wether you want it to be tomorrow or on monday!

ily all! x -e

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