Princess Arisha of Falvar - Prologue

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* Hey people. This is the new and updated prologue of Arisha. Hope you guys enjoy it. Chapter 1 will be up as soon as I finish it. Thanks :) *



This story begins in the magical land of Falvar. A land where magical creatures and humans alike dwell. A land where peace and harmony reigns. Or does it?

King Elric and Queen Atheva of Falvar have long longed for a child of their own. They have traveled far and wide to find witches, fairies and all manner of magical creatures to help them conceive a child, all to no avail.

At long last, the witch Morgana agreed to help them. Alas, it was under a condition that the king and queen relinquish their rule of Falvar over to Morgana when it came to the child's twentieth birthday. The king and queen agreed without knowing how evil Morgana was.

Morgana had an ulterior motive for agreeing to help with the king and queen. She wanted revenge for the way the king and his politicians unknowingly killed her love, Yuri for no apparent reason. Well, even if there were a good reason, she still would want revenge over them because she had become a cruel and vicious witch. She would stop at nothing to fulfill her desires. Morgana also knew that taking over the rule of Falvar wouldn't be a good enough revenge for her beloved Yuri, although she still would go through taking over Falvar just to spite the king. That's why she decided that the best blow would be the child. Morgana had something else under her sleeve.

After nine months, Queen Atheva safely delivered a beautiful princess. As Queen Atheva and King Elric were gazing lovingly at their newborn daughter, they both thanked their lucky stars to finally be able to have their own child.

"We should give her a name, my queen." said the king.

"What about Arisha?" the queen asked.

"That's a wonderful name. Arisha Xellandra after your mother, my love" the king said.

"Thank you Elric. Thank you." the queen said before she drifted off to sleep.

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