"We have to go get Perrie and Leigh back." Zayn whispered. Harry shook his head.

"I'm not sacrificing Emily. They're my best friends and all, but I can't bring myself to do it." Harry shook his head as a tear trickled down his face. Joslynn reached up and wiped it away.

"You can pretend I'm Emily. He hasn't met me before." Jesy offered. Liam shook his head.

"No way, Jesy. I couldn't do that." He walked over to her and engulfed her in a tight hug. She rested her hands on his shoulders and looked at him.

"Babe, I want to help Perrie and Leigh. I'd find a way out of his trap. I promise." She pressed a kiss to his nose and smiled.

"I'll do it." Joslynn mumbled. All heads shot to her direction. "I'll pretend to be Emily." Louis and Harry shook their heads in sync.

"No fucking way." Harry sighed.

"What he said. Baby, I'm not sacrificing you either." Louis rubbed her cheek with his thumb. She leaned into his touch and glanced up at him.

"But I want to. I want to save Perrie and Leigh, and keep Emily protected from Justin. I'm willing to do everything I can."

"You're not going." Harry angrily grumbled. Joslynn stood from her place on the couch and put her hands on her hips.

"Harry, I am going to go and that's final. Emily is my best friend and I would do anything to protect her. Perrie and Leigh Anne are my best friends as well, and I'd like to save them from being killed." She stood her ground and stomped off towards the elevators, Louis following suit.

Harry roughly yanked on his hair and stood from his place on the couch as well. He stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.

I sighed. "I should probably go talk to him." Liam, Jesy, and Zayn nodded.

"I hope nothing happens to the girls." Zayn lowers his head so he's staring at the ground. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It won't, Zayn. I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen, okay?" He nodded and gave me a weak smile. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. I scurried out of his hotel room and into my shared one with Harry, Louis, and Joslynn.

"Harry?" I called as I shut the door quietly behind myself. I could hear sniffling coming from the bathroom. I ran to the door and pounded it with my fists. "Harry, baby, please open up!"

"No. Go away." He cried.

"I'm not leaving here until you either come out, or let me in." I crossed my arms over my chest and sat on the floor in front of the door.

Two hours had passed and I was still sitting in the floor in front of the bathroom door. I was laying down now, sleep threatening to take over me. I finally gave up and ran to the bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


When I woke the next day, Louis, Joslynn, and Harry weren't anywhere to be found. I shot up  and ran over to the bathroom. The door was open. I walked in and flipped the light switch. A tissue sat on the sink. I reached over to grab it when a figure caught my attention. I whirled around and gasped at what I saw.

Leigh Anne and Perrie were in the bath tub.


"Oh my god!" I cried. Tears began streaming down my face. My eyes flicked down to the note.

Well by now you've probably found my little... Surprise, hm? This teaches you to mess with me, Styles. I'm after your little girlfriend now.

-J. x

I threw the tissue away in the trash and closed the shower curtain, unable to see the figures sitting there motionless. I wiped my tears and ran my fingers through my hair, a habit I had picked up from Harry.

Obviously this Justin character wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. Instead of hiding like a little baby, I need to get out there and fight.

I opened the door and jogged outside, hoping to find someone I knew. Of course, I was unlucky. Until I heard voices coming from Liam and Jesy's hotel room.

"What the hell do you mean they were in your bathroom, Harry?" I heard Liam's angry voice shout. A loud crash sounded after.

"I mean, Justin fucking snuck into our room while we were all looking for Perrie and Leigh in Zayn's room."

"Why didn't you tell us last night?" Jesy screamed. I couldn't take it anymore. I twisted the knob and walked into the room. All eyes were on me as I stood awkwardley in the doorway. I shut the door and scurried to the couch.

"Listen, if we're going to get Justin back, we have to figure out a plan. I say we lead him on a trail of some kind. A trail that leads to... A trap. I'll be the bait, obviously, and you all can plan the revenge." Zayn blinked and nodded.

"I actually think that's an okay idea." He whispered. I smiled at him and rubbed his knee with my hand. Harry's eyes shot down to my hand, which I removed quickly.

"You won't be the bait." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, I already am the bait. He said he's coming to look for me, now. I couldn't stand if I found anyone else dead in my hotel bathroom-"

"We have to leave. Now." Joslynn yelled as her and Louis burst through the doors. We all looked at them. Their eyes were cherry red and they were panting, almost as if they'd been running up and down the halls.

"What for?" Harry demanded.

"Justin. We just saw him at the coffee parlor down in the lobby." Louis sighed. Harry ran his fingers through his curls and sighed heavily.

"Alright. I have to get my keys."

"Wait! What are we going to do with the b-bodies?" Zayn whimpered. Jesy wiped away a stray tear.

"Liam and I can put them in our trunk." She offered. Liam nodded.

"Yeah that would be okay."

"Grab some sheets to wrap them in." Joslynn pointed to the bed and walked to our shared hotel room, Harry and Louis following close behind us. Liam, Jesy, and Zayn came in moments later carrying piles on piles of sheets.

"I don't think we need that many." Louis chuckled.

"I'm not touching a dead person. Don't care if they were my best friends or not, it's disgusting." Jesy scrunched up her nose as Liam leaned down to wrap the bodies in sheets.

"Wait a second..." He gasped.

"What is it, Liam?" Zayn demanded. Liam stood from his spot and set the sheets down in the tub.

"These are mannequin. Perrie and Leigh aren't dead after all!" Liam cheered. Zayn leaned over the side of the bath and poked what was assumed to be Perrie.

"They feel like... Wax almost." The rest of us walked over and began inspecting the dolls.

"And the blood is ketchup." Louis chuckled. "What an idiot."

"He's the idiot? We're the idiots that believed it." Jesy stood and brushed off her shorts. Louis shrugged and nodded.

"We still don't know where the real Perrie and Leigh are, though." Harry mumbled. We all looked down at the floor and sighed.

"Then we have to find them." I piped up. "And I'm not giving up until we do."


Thanks so much for reading and voting y'all it means the world to me! <3 *joslynn* xx

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