Wasnt Ment To Happen

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I own Demitria. Jeff Davis owns the rest.

Isaacs Pov.

I was in the room with Cora. I had to calm her down since she felt that something was wrong with Demi. Melissa told me she lost the baby. Some how I feel like its my fault. I was avoiding her, but when I saw her kiss Aiden jealousy took over. I wanted to rip him apart limb from limb. I was pacing back and forth, since they were gonna bring her in.

"Isaac, stop she'll be fine" said Stiles.

"I just feel guilty...like its my fault....wat could have caused her to lose a baby?" I asked not expecting an answer.

Melissa walked in the room with Demi, she was still knocked out. Melissa looked at me with a sad face. "If Cora didnt heal, did something happen to Demitria to causr her to lose it, if she werent to heal?" She asked.

"I dont know I wasnt at school today" I told her.

"Actually...i think I know wat happened" said Stiles looking at Cora.

"Wat happened?" I asked.

"Right before Cora and I went to my house,... We saw her with Aiden and Ethan....Aiden pushed her real hard agaisnt the wall, probably cracking the wall...that even hurt me" said Stiles rubbing his neck.

"Im going to kill him" I said angryly.

"No, she needs you right now" said Cora

"Why? She has Aiden, I saw her kiss him tonight" I said.

"Idiot, shes trying to stop him...she playing a dangerous game" said Cora tiredly.

"Mom?" Said Demi.

....Demis Pov.......

I was at the Hale house, everything was like it was before the fire. I saw my mom standing in the middle of the living room. "Mom?" I asked.

"Sweety, ive missed you" she said stepping closer.

"I missed you too!" I cried into her arms. "I wanna stay with you"

"You will when the time comes...but now I need you to give Derek a message. Tell him that the true Alpha is among his pack, he needs to protect him. And the true Alpha needs to protect Derek. Dont let him sleep around with a Darach. Also Cora, protect her...and guide her to that young boy, Stiles. I like him for her." She said smiling.

"Anything else mom?" I asked.

"Dont play with fire, Saving Aiden is a lost hope...Ethan is a different story. Isaac is the one for you." she said.

"I have to try" I told her.

"You saw wat he did" she said.

"Wat are you talking about?" I asked

"Your child, he killed it...he heard its heart beat...he did it. Dont trust him. Its kill or be killed." She warned. "Wake up" she ordered.

"Wake up" I heard Isaac.

"Wake up" ordered my mother.

"Wake up" said Isaac.

I woke up and saw Isaac on the side of the bed. I grabbed his hand and I cried. "i need to talk to Derek" I said.

"Want me to call him?" Asked Isaac.

"Yes please" I said. And he did, he was on his way. Isaac laid down on the side with me. He hugged me, he must feel the pain to or its just him saying sorry.

....30 min later......

Derek walked in the room with Uncle Peter. Isaac told them wat happened, about my baby. Derek kissed my forehead. "Im sorry, Dem" he said with teary eyes. I dont like seeing him like this.

"Im fine the DerBear" I told him.

"Dont call me that" he said.

"I need to give you a message from mom,..." I told him.

"Your still a lil droopy from the medicines" said Derek patting my head and heading over to the window.

"No im serious, shes watching over us. She said that the true Alpha is among your pack" I told him.

He turned around to see me. "How do you know?" He asked dumb founded.

"Mom" I said stupidly.

"Scott, its him" said Derek.

"She said to trust him, to protect him..and he will protect you. Alphas are like brothers." I told him.

He sighed. "anything else?"

"Mmmmmm,,,, protect Cora, its Aidens fault. Still hope for Ethan. She likes Stiles for Cora. Mmmmmm and she told me not to play with fire." I said.

"Play with fire?" Asked Peter.

"Aiden, not to save him and blah blah blah..." I said.

Derek and Peter gave each other a look. "We will make things better, you and Cora need your rest" said Uncle Peter.

Isaac was still next to me. I hugged him and fell asleep.




Sorry short :/

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