Shes Gonna Kill Him

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I own Dem, Jeff Davis owns teen wolf.

Dem pov

I heard pounding on the wall. I think someone is trying to get in? Cora and Boyd are all sweaty and gross! Like wats wrong with them? I was gonna get closer to the wall but then someone came busting in. he got up. Derek. My brother and some other wolf. I could smell him.

"Boyd its me Derek" he said comely. He didnt even notice me, well he did once Cora was by my side.

"Cora?...Dem?" He said with his voice cracking.

"Get out! Derek get out now!" Yelled Cora. I mean why are you trying to get rid of him? Then the volt door open. The girl put mountain ash so we wouldnt get out. Cora and Boyd phased. Like out of control! Boyd attack the other boy. And Cora attacked Derek. They seemed strong.. Too strong. I phased and grabbed Cora from the back and threw her against the wall.

"How is it that your still alive?" Derek asked.

"Dont worry about it now cause if you do..." I looked at Boyd and Cora "We will be dead"

Boyd had that boy up against the wall and Cora was trying kill Derek. Some family reunion. I turned to the door to see a young girl. She broke the seal. "No!" I yelled. I grabbed her "You dnt realised wat youve done!" I yelled.

"Let her go" yelled that boy that came with Derek.

"Wat do you think their gonna do Scott?" He looked at him. "Their going to kill!"

"That isnt my fault! I didnt make killers" yelled the girl next to me.

"No thats just the rest of your famiky!" Yelled Derek. She must be an Argent.

"Gerard was not my fault" she said calmly.

"No, wat about your mother?" He asked.

"Scott? Wat is he talking about" she asked. I didnt care for this conversation. So I took Dereks hand and made him follow me. To a closet where Erica's body was.

......... In the car, while Scott is asking Chris for help..........

This boy is really cute. I dnt know his name but Derek got real butt hurt when he asked for his "sister" as in one! Hello!? Im here.

I got on the edge of my seat so I could be face to face with the boy. "Hi, im Demitria... Coras twin" I smiled at him but he looked at Derek who was probably staring at me "Wats your name?.. Oh and dnt mind Derek.." I turned to Derek "... Hes just a lil over protective... If he only knew if the things ive done." I smiled at those memories.

"Im Isaac, Isaac Lahey" he have me a smile.

"Youre pretty cute you know" I told him. He gave me a wink. He made my heart skip a beat something Aiden never did.

Chris gave them some stuff to put around..i really didnt pay attention because Derek called Uncle Peter to come pick me up!

............... At Uncle Peters...............

Uncle Peter bought food! pizza! I had my plate ready to go. We sat down in his small lil dinning room table.

"Uncle Peter can you,sign me up for school tomorrow? Please!?! Ill be more useful there!" I whined

"Fine, but are you sure?... cora--"

I cut him off. "im not Cora"

"i know.... You can sleep in my room, ill take the couch." He got up and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Go sleep now, you have school tomorrow"

I got up and went to his room. I cant complain about going,to bed... I am the one who wants to go. Mostly to see Isaac, and protect people from Aiden.


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