B. Marie {@B-Marie}

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My name is B. Marie and I am 17 years old!

I love writing, reading (anything), singing, dancing, painting, drawing, sewing, and just having fun! I adore my two little brothers and take care of them like my own children. Family is key for me, as well helping and loving as many people that will allow me to love them! I am a huge hopeless romantic and adore the tiniest of things. Music plays a role in my life and my writing and helps me get through tough times.

My main goal and focus at the moment, is to become a bestselling author, or even just an established author, and be an English teacher. I have always had a love and place in my heart for the two and hope to make them both come true!

When I first found ProjectGetReal I was instantly hooked to it. I knew I needed to be a part of it as soon as I could and was so excited when Lilli told me I could join the team!

My goal is to help everyone find what they feel makes them ugly or worthless and show them that, that is the thing that makes them the most beautiful! I want people to see that they are so special and amazing, that they should never forget that.

Please, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have, or talk to me! I am always here to lend a helping hand, because that is my goal in life, to help you and make this place so much better for you and everyone else!

You can contact me here, on Wattpad B-Marie , or at my email address bmariethewriter@gmail.com ! I hope to hear from you all soon!

Love and care,

B. Marie

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