"I'm kinda tired of paying for cabs or begging for rides. I'm starting to feel like I'm just a pain in the ass."

Kevin tried not to laugh. "I highly doubt that you a pain in the ass. I'll push harder for the car. But bright point, if you buy this place, you'll be closer to the 'L'."

"Well, that works. I guess. Not sure how Jay will feel about it, but what the heck. It'll be an adventure."

The remainder of the drive was spent discussing Jes' personal taste in vehicles. When they arrived, Matt and Gaby were already waiting for them.

"Where's Jay?" Asked Matt.

Atwater answered. "Voight's got him keeping Erin in line. He said if Jes was happy to go with it."

With that they went in and began the inspection.

Jay was busy filing a report on the last victim they'd discovered when Jes called

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Jay was busy filing a report on the last victim they'd discovered when Jes called. "Hey! How's the house look?"

"It's perfect. I want it."

"Any work need to be done?"

"Matt said it's really minor and he'd gladly do it for me."

"Then put in an offer."

"Jay..." She hesitated. "I actually already did."


"It's ours. We can move in anytime."

"Wow, you're fast and efficient."

"Your buddy helped speed up the process. I need to know though... am I putting my name or are we going to be joint owners in this?"

Jay thought about the current situation he was in. For her safety it was probably best if Jay's name didn't appear on the title. "Just put it under yours. This way, one day when you get married and have a family there won't be as much red tape to go through, you know? To get me off the title?"

"Haha." She laughed. "Marriage is so far away it isn't even funny, but you do present a valid point." She paused. "When do you wanna move?"

"I've got time off next week. It'll probably be easier then, and I can recruit some help.  I also have to give notice on my current place... may take time... so hopefully, you're not in too much of a hurry?"

"Cool.  I'm ready whenever you are."

"Jes, everything okay?"

"Yeah. I was just wondering if I could hang out with Gaby for a bit."

"Sure. I don't know why you're asking me. You're not a teenager anymore. You don't have a curfew. She's a good person to have as a friend."

"She said her brother works with you in Intelligence?"

"Yeah. Antonio. You missed meeting him last night."

"Oh?  Okay. So you're okay with it?"

"Again, you don't have curfew. Go have fun. I'll see you later tonight."

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