Coming Home

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Jay's apartment:

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Jay's apartment:

Jay woke up to the sound of his alarm going off in the distance. He sat up. "Why the hell am I on the couch?" He stretched and moved his neck in circles to loosen it. Then he remembered. "Jes?" He called out.  "We're really going to need to solve this housing situation." He thought.  He was more twisted and crimped than a New York pretzel.

"How do I turn off this damned alarm?" She groaned.

He snickered. "I'll come turn it off. Make sure you're decent." He slowly opened the door. Jeslyn was sitting up with his comforter up to her chin. "Morning, Sunshine."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "It's 5:30... In the morning! I never get up this early."

"Oh... cupcake. I'll move the alarm clock to the living room. I've gotta get ready for work." He unplugged the alarm.

She gave him the famed Puss-in-Boots eyes. "But I just got here."

"You haven't met my boss. He doesn't like people being late or playing hooky. Nope. The big eyes aren't gonna cut it, sis."

"Then what am I supposed to do all day?"

"Browse the classifieds for a two bedroom place."

She looked at him with a very puzzled look. "But?"

"You're not going to live on your own. You don't have the money to afford a safe neighbourhood." He put his hand up to stop her interruption. "No. I'm keeping you safe and I think having a roommate would be fun. You can quit pouting."

"Fine. I guess you're right." She cocked her head to the side. "Think we could do lunch?"

Jay thought about it. He wasn't sure what was happening with Jin's case or if Voight had plans but he didn't see the harm. "Sure. Come by the station. Bring the top five places you find and we'll talk about 'em over lunch."

"Cool. Can I raid the fridge to make lunch?"

Jay's face burned. He didn't really have a properly stocked fridge. "Uh... I'll leave you some money and you can go out and restock the pantry and fridge."

"Still living on junk food and take out?"

"No lecturing, but yeah." He grabbed his towel to go shower. "When you come by, tell Sergeant Platt that you're there to see me. Either she'll buzz you up or call me to let me know you're there." He paused. "If you want to be on her good side, maybe bring her some of that awesome banana bread you make."

"Sure. I'll make some for your team too." She smiled.

"Just watch some of them. I don't want them getting cute with you."

"So you're saying leave the flirt at home?"

"Exactly." He went to ruffle her hair. "You can make yourself at home. You're safe with me." He went to the bathroom and set the water in the shower. Despite most of his co-workers being attached, it didn't mean they wouldn't try to flirt. He got in the shower and let the hot water cascade down his body.

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