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"ryan, do you know how pretty you are?" brendon asked, his breath tickling ryan's lips.

ryan gulped, "n-not really no,

"because," brendon spoke, moving a bit closer. "you're absolutely stunning to me."

he was so close their lips could touch, ryan could feel his stomach
start to flip.

"ryan, would I be out of my mind if I admitted I wanted to kiss you right now?"

brendon's question came as a surprise to ryan, his eyes went wide for a second.

"I don't believe so, urie." he whispered back, a flirty tone evident in his voice.

"ryan ross, i'd like to kiss you. do I have permission?" brendon's lips were only centimeters away, ryan could practically feel his lips against his.

"go for it."

brendon pressed his plump pink lips to ryan's thin ones. the contact made both ryan and brendon feel as though a whole fireworks store had went off in their stomachs.

brendon's hand caressed ryan's cheek as they worked their mouths. ryan's hands were somewhat clutching brendon's shirt.

when they broke their kiss, both their lips were red and swollen.

but they didn't care, brendon thought it made ryan even more pretty.

ryan leaned into brendon, his arms now slung over his hips.

he looked up at him and smiled, "absolutely out of your mind."


it has finally happens !!!

that kiss description sucked ass rip me

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love you all xoxox

Pretty boy; rydenWhere stories live. Discover now