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yooji noticed soonyoung at the corner of her eye when he walked into the classroom. surely, the pink and blonde heads were bright lights.

soonyoung put down his bag and noticed her across the building. he didn't hesitate to wink and gave her a passionate wave.

'good morning!' yooji mouthed and waved back.

soonyoung did the same and returned her with a mini heart with his fingers.

bosoon kept on teasing her quick relationship with soonyoung over these two months. though there wasn't any progress after his sneaky kiss, the two kept their tight connection still. they would go home together when there is no practice, hang out at each other's homes during weekends, and of course, 4am encounters in the same convenience store.

'hey, diva kim is going to get married soon!' yooji happily announced to her best friend. bosoon's eyes widened and she embraced her. 'seriously? wait what?'

'yeah, they are getting married for real. you're invited.' she told her how uncle bought a diamond ring for diva kim with the help of yooji and how they prepared for their wedding in these two months after the successful proposal.

though she had left out the part which their intimate moments grew everyday, because she didn't feel that much troubled anymore, now that she knew soonyoung would be spending time with her anyways.

it was her little secret that she didn't even want to share with her best friend.

'but then don't you feel jealous? like i heard most children don't like their single parent to get married again,' bosoon wanted to know.

yooji shrugged. she didn't have any hard feelings, maybe because she already got so used to uncle's presence at home, since that night he moved in with them.

'meh, now i can brag that i have a hella good-looking father.'

'step-father,' bosoon corrected her.

yooji rolled her eyes in disagreement. 'what? my mother was never officially married to that jerk, you know? it's sad that i have his surname, but now i can change.' bosoon shook her head with her mouth hung open. 'so did i; i just knew.'

as for soonyoung, he was shy to convey his feelings to yooji, even though he just love her more and more everyday. he wanted to tell her so badly, but he just couldn't find the right timing for it.

soonyoung was waiting for yooji in front of the gates. he decided to confess to her while they walk home, so that she could easily chuck him into a random bus if he fails.

however, to his surprise, a buzz in his pocket beat him to it, and because it was from yooji's mother, it doubled the surprise.

she wanted to have a little talk with him and issue her wedding invitation to the kwons.

soonyoung told yooji to wait at his mother's ramen shop, which slowly became their usual spot for friday nights.

eventually, soonyoung came back with a heavier heart. yooji's mother had told him to be brave and encouraged him; she could clearly see how yooji turned brighter and less lonely.

sliding the door open, the smell of thick broth and the chatters of the old customers greeted him. yooksoon turned her head to the direction of the exit and pointed up. 'she's on the roof top!' she yelled.

soonyoung immediately helped himself with two servings of gyoza and hurried to the stairs. he greeted his father on the way, successfully dodging a random neck slice.

'yooji!' he cheerfully called her name once he kicked open the old door with his vacant foot. he jogged towards her with the plate and chopsticks in his hands.

they sat down on the flat bench, crossing their legs. soonyoung removed his blazer and let yooji cover her exposed thighs, just as usual, as they were all too familiar with every friday's after school event.

'so who's first today?' yooji began to eat, and she had to cover her open mouth to let out the steam of the hot dumpling.

soonyoung nodded at her. 'you first. i am invited to a wedding today.'

yooji swallowed the contents in her mouth and chuckled. 'so you already know. diva kim and uncle are getting married at the end of this month. you are going to be my partner, capeesh?'

soonyoung rolled his eyes. 'what are you wearing?'

'i don't know,' she shrugged. 'i haven't worn any formal dress since primary graduation ceremony.'

'you're lame. i bet jihoon and bosoon have already come up of something decent to wear,' soonyoung teased. jihoon wasn't someone who cares, but he bet bosoon would have already threatened him.

'how about you? i've told you my breaking news of the week. it's your turn,' yooji quickly finished what she had to ask, so that she could full-on inhale the delicious gyoza while listening to him.

'wait, can you stop eating for a while?' he pulled away the plate and held her moving hand. 'i don't want you to choke.'

yooji put down her chopsticks and wiped the grease off her lips with a napkin. she solemnly said, 'i am
ready for your news. what?'

soonyoung stood up and went behind her because for some reason he was too shy to even show his face. 'woo yooji,' he commenced.

'yeah? oh, soon i'll be b-'

he stopped her by snaking his arms around her whole figure, and although yooji wanted to slap his arms away so badly, she sat there frozen.

'my news of the week is uh-' he coughed.

'what?' she frowned. 'are you going to say that you love me?'

soonyoung groaned in bewilderment and released her. 'you have no chill!' he raised his arms in mid air as he sat back to his seat.

'seriously wooyoo!' he exclaimed, calling her nickname, milk. 'you ruined everything oh my god.'

yooji chortled helplessly. 'your failed attempt in making things romantic, hoshi.'

soonyoung frustratedly messed up his bangs. 'the hell? how did you know?'

yooji rolled his eyes. 'you're so freaking obvious, duh.' she leaned forward and pulled his tie. without any hesitation, she placed her lips to his lightly, before releasing him.

soonyoung was dumbfounded. 'wait, now what?' he deadpanned at yooji, who was already back to the dumplings. he already got confused; she might be fooling around.

'so are we a thing now?' yooji raised her eyebrows. 'i ruined your confession but i kissed you.'

soonyoung facepalmed, for scolding himself that he forgot that yooji is an extremely straightforward and cool girl. 'hell yeah. we could be cereals.'

'pardon?' yooji scowled.

'you are my milk and i'm your honey stars.'


this is so lame omg
we have almost reached
the end! there is still
the last chapter

sorry for the delayed

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