Chapter 21: Stone and Teeth

Start from the beginning

"So that is where you have been this week," Carlyle snarled, "you have been joining a pack of flea balls! Well, do you know that these flea balls killed our father!?!" he yelled.

Quinn nodded a head yes and Carlyle looked taken aback, "And you still want to be with them?" he asked with a hint of pain, "What is wrong with you? First you kill my mother, then yours, then you make us leave Germany, and now you are with the things that killed my-our- father? How can you make my life any worse?" he asked with a slight shake in his voice.

Quinn now looked hurt and confused, "What?" he asked in a slightly less demanding tone, "I didn't do any of that!" Quinn said with pleading eyes.

"Don't try to play dumb!" he snarled as he charged Quinn. I reacted quickly and before he could get more then a few steps towards forward I got in his way and growled lowly. Carlyle looked at me in slight surprise and I growled lowly. "I'm guessing this is your mate?" Carlyle asked Quinn with a sneer and not even looking at me.

Quinn didn't answer and Carlyle laughed evilly, "He must hate having a pathetic human like you as his mate! At least Jay is strong!" he laughed. I growled even louder at that, how dare he call Quinn weak! "Oh? Struck a nerve did I?" Carlyle asked with a chuckle.

Out of nowhere Carlyle shoved me out of the way and made a dash towards Quinn. Carlyle ran practically foaming at the mouth and jumped with his mouth wide open.

I watched in horror as Carlyle flew towards Quinn and in the blink of an eye Quinn was in his wolf form and was tackling Carlyle back. Carlyle landed on his back with Quinn standing over him snarling. Carlyle shoved Finn off and his eyes turned from blue, into one blue and one green so Quinn was back in control.

"How is this possible?" Carlyle whispered, as he looked Quinn over with amazement.

"I have always been this, you just have been to full of yourself to notice," Quinn told his brother coolly and confidently.

Carlyle shook off his astonishment and attacked again. He snapped at Quinn's front leg and he lifted it out of the way and swiped at his brother's face. He caught Carlyle and his claws ripped through the rock hard skin. Carlyle growled in anger and pain and took another bite at Quinn. Carlyle didn't even stop for a breath. He managed to get Quinn's shoulder and he yelped in pain as he bit into his brother's ear.

Carlyle released Quinn to my relief and it forced Quinn to released Carlyle in return, and they immediately began to started to circle each other. They were growling and waiting for the other to make the first move and the pack gathered around, waiting for a spot to jump in. Eventually Carlyle attacked again and lunged. Quinn narrowly avoided but Carlyle left no room for a counter attack. He kept attacking and Quinn kept dodging and Carlyle let out a frustrated growl.

I watched in fear as he shifted into his Golem form and roared as he swatted Quinn to the side. Quinn growled as his eyes glowed green and he too shifted to his golem form. His two glowing green eyes turned back into a green and a blue eye and I watched in anticipation. Now that they are bot Golems it is going to be very hard for us to intervene.

Carlyle was bigger then Quinn, and his Golem form also looked like burnt rocks being held together by slightly still glowing lava with the always present glowing green eyes but Carlyle had one glowing green eye and one glowing golden eye.

Carlyle charged at me first again and smashed a huge fist into the side of Quinn's head. Quinn reeled back and swung a leg out, catching his brother by surprise and making him stumble. Carlyle swiped at his younger brother with his clawed hands and he cut into Quinn's chest. Quinn didn't even react as he kept fighting. After an hour of this we could tell that the brothers were getting tired and they were panting for breath. The cut on Quinn's chest was starting to worry me and I started pacing, waiting for the fight to be over.

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