Devil's Angel|My Life

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Okay this is the first chapter of Devil's Angel, please vote and comment about what you think of this chapter and please follow:)


Ashley Autumn Summers

A cold and windy breeze passes by, making my hair go to the left side following where the breeze is going.

The sun just doing it's normal job, shining down on earth, giving us people light.

And, the clouds moving covering the sun then moving away from the sun.

The birds just making noise as usual, flying tree to tree, flying somewhere we'll never know.

The tree's leaves falling down to the ground, moving along with the breeze which makes noise.

You can hear the river's water moving, splashes are made by the fishes.

Flowers growing from the ground and grass everywhere.

This is my home, this is where I grew up, this is where I belong.

I'm Ashley Autumn Summers, a 20 year old fox spirit, I'm one of the few living fox spirits.

My family were murdered by hunters, rogues who are abandoned wolves, and lastly witches.

Why were they murdered?

Well, to answer that is because foxes are very powerful creatures, they're faster than wolves since they're most likely to be greedy or some what like that.

Their fighter skills are 100x's better than them but cause fox spirits likes to go on to their own way, we didn't really had a kingdom.

No kings, no queens, no princes, no princesses, none of that.

The wolves took over the animal world because they had you know kings and queens.

We didn't care but until one of our kind complain about it.

Saying we're better, which was true and they, the wolves, thought of us as a threat.

Lots of us went into hiding.

But soon we were discovered, lots died but few survived.

Like me, I know some people who survived but I don't know if they're still alive.

So, I start living alone at the age 15.

I cried for days when my family died but soon got over it.

I began training myself, getting prepare in case they come and attack me.

The forest is really important to me.

For some reason, I feel like I'm part of it.

The forest took over of the place of my family.

I care for it.

I don't want to lose it.


Cause I grew up here and this is my life.

This is how I live my life, a carefree fox who lives without a family.

But there's one important thing I plan not to do.

To fall in love.

I don't want to start a family, I might lose them just like I lost my family.

--End of Chapter One--

Hope you guys like this chapter.
This chapter felt real to me!
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