Soleil and Nova (New OCs)

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yeah so i was like what should i draw at like 10 last night and then i was like hmmmmmm..... woah i should draw sisters that look nothing like each other 0.0

and yeah thats how these beautiful creatures were born

yep and all dat info ya know:

1) Name: Nova
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Favorite Color: Black (like my soul)
    Hobbies: Tumblr...that's about it...
    Other Sterf: Loves pretty much every      
                           fandom and has seen
                           every episode of Fairy
                           Tail which is pretty
                           impressive if you ask     
                           me; extremely antisocial
2) Name: Soleil
     Age: 21
     Gender: Female
     Favorite Color: Pink/Yellow
     Hobbies: SHOPPING
     Other Sterf: Loves talking on the
                            phone w/friends and   
                            thinks her sister is her 
                            personal assistant

yeah so they're pretty much the opposite of one another

uh yeah thats about it k bye

My Drawings and Artwork!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang