chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I'm Nikki Cannon. I've been a tomboy since I was old enough to walk and talk. After visiting my Aunt and her mate I decided it was time for a change. I changed my look from basketball shorts to Hollister jean shorts, loose hoodies to more fitting ones, I grew alot, well I am an 18 year old werewolf so I'm definintly going to grow. But I'm no ordinary werewolf, I just so happen to be the purple lightning wolf. I am the strongest wolf in the world by far, and I have extra powers. My fur is an electric purple and I have bright purple eyes. I have super speed and strength, well I'm much faster than the ordinary wolf, I can also become invisible but with my speed who needs invisiblity. I have more powers like telepathy that goes further than just your pack and your mate, I also have telekinesis. In my human form I am just as strong and I have the same powers. I still have my electric purple eyes, waist-length midnight black hair, and a natrually perfect tan.

I finally get to go home to my pack, Dromite, after training for 4 years. My mom is Alpha and I'm next in line. I was in Mexico for training with my Uncle Felix and Aunt Alexa. I'm going home to see if anyone from our pack is my mate. I don't know if I want to find him but I know that if I don't I can't be Alpha. I do know that I miss my mom Angela and dad Justin like crazy though! Once I arrive we have to go to dinner with the Shomite pack. Their Alpha Jen is best friends with my mom, Alpha Angela. Their other best friend is Alpha Shandra of the Romite pack. Crazy three Alpha women are best friends. Well women werewolves are the strongest, so don't get one mad. My best friend is Jen's daughter, Sami Nelson, she will be the next Alpha of the Shomite pack. The next Alpha of the Romite pack will be Nick, he had the Alpha gene even though he was a guy and 4th eldest of his brothers. Shandra wasn't able to have a girl even though she kept trying. The first born daughter will be Alpha but out of her 12 kids they are all boys. They might show up to welcome us back. Sami and I are good friends with the boys before we left except for Nick actually I had a crush on him before I left for training and I guess we showed it as hatred, but we've changed over the 4 years we have been away for training. Since we grew up surrounded by a bunch of boys we were both very tomboyish and now, we are just normal girls not too girly not too boyish. But we are the most powerful wolves in the world. Sami's power doesn't compare to mine but she is the second strongest. She is the Silver wolf, even though she doesn't have extra powers like I do, she is still pretty damn powerful. Together we can take down 50 strong. We can't let anyone know our secret except for our packs because if another pack found out, they would kill us.

Sami has already found her mate, my cousin Marco. Thats how the Dormite and Shomite packs are connected. He is coming back with us from training. He is a year older than us. He has that natural werewolf tan or as I call it the weretan goin' on, blue eyes, and short light brown hair. Sami has light sterling silver eyes, the weretan, and elbo length long dark brown hair. They are perfect for each other bith have great personalities, bothe funny and crazy as hell. I love them and I'm happy they found each other.

"We're her." I said excitedly as we stopped in front of the Dro/Sho/Ro mite pack diner/ hang out. We got out of the car and went inside only to be greeted by shouts and welcomes. I was engulfed in a hug by my mom and dad then Jen and her mate Mike. "Hey everyone!" Sami and I shouted back to our packs.

"Mom, Dad you remember Angela's nephew Marco. He's my mate." She introduce him to her parents with a wide grin on her face and stared at Marco lovingly. Her mom squeled and hugged them both. We all went and sat down as the diner began to quiet down a bit more.

"The Romite pack will be here shortly. Those boys have grown so much, quite haandsome, but haven't matured at all." My mom told me.

I heard more welcomes as the Romite pack walked in. I loked toward the door and I saw the hottest guys I think I've ever seen in my life. The youngest Mikey was holding his mom's hand. He is 6 and has short light blond hair. Jimmy who is 14 has shoulder length black hair. Chris and Tanner the identical twins are 15 and have chin length light brown hair. The triplets Damien, Tommy, and Frankie are 17 and have short red hair. Shaun who is 21 had his black hair faux hawk. Alex is 10 and has long dark brown hair. Drake and Ken are 19 and also identical twins with short dirty blond hair. Lastly was the most sexy of all, Nick. He had chin length black hair and he was my age, 18. The ones that were at leaast 14 all had huge muscles and Chris, Tanner, Damien, Tommy, Frankie, Shaun, Drake, Ken, and Nick have eight packs. The most ripped were Nick and Shaun. They have the weretan and the signature bright green eyes that have been passed down from generations of Alphas of the Romite pack.

Sami and I stood up. We looked at each other and her voice rang in my mind, 'They are all yours.' I laughed. The boys walked up to us and stared in shock at how we turned out. I heard Damien murmur, "Damn Nikki is so hot." and Chris and Tanner were practically drooling. Mikey ran up to me and gave me a big huge. " I missed you Nikki." He said with a huge smile on his face. I gave each of the boys a hug and then I got to Nick and gave him a hug. Sparks shot up my spine. I wanted to hold on to him forever.

Wait hold up.......NICK IS MY MATE!!!!!!




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