Knowing how smart Abby is, I figure that I might as well go with most of her plan.

Me: Hey Austin, good to hear from you. Glad to know you followed your dream. When you have time, give me a call and we can set up a little get together at my place. Do you still like spaghetti?

It wasn't long before my phone starts to vibrate, his name lighting up as he calls. I take a deep breath before answering. "That was fast." I look over at Marilyn, hoping that by seeing him next to me, I'll have the strength I need to do this.

Hey Kyrsten! So glad to get your text! Spaghetti is still my favorite as long as you remember the orange zest in the sauce! So where should I meet you?

Hearing his voice after so long made my heart clutch in pain. "How could I forget your love of oranges? Of course I'll remember the special ingredient. It's my own recipe. But uh, if you want to meet me at my house tomorrow night... say around 7, we can talk then. That sound okay?" Though my voice was calm and collected, tears had started rolling down my cheeks, the thought of seeing him after so long scaring me.

Sounds amazing. What's the address?

After telling him where I live, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I drop my phone onto my lap, letting the tears come freely. "Closer Kyrsten. Remember why you're going through this. It's time to stop letting him control you." I whisper, forcing myself to regain composure before I wake Marilyn. I wipe the tears away from my eyes before laying my head on Marilyn's shoulder again, hiding my face from anyone that might enter.

 Figures that the moment I start to fall asleep, the doctor comes in. "Miss Torrey, are you awake?" I turn my head to look at him and smile softly. His eyes drift to Marilyn, making me chuckle softly at his expression.

"Yes. Sorry about him, he fell asleep while watching a movie."

The doctor shakes his head with a soft smile. "It's no issue. I just wanted to come in and check the cuts and refresh the bandages." He walks over to the side of the bed, taking my left arm in his hands. "Are you experiencing any pain?"

I shake my head. "Not really. Just feeling really stupid for being so clumsy." This makes him laugh.

"The best of us are like that I'm afraid. Nothing to worry about. Now, when I remove the bandage, it may pull at the scab that has started to form which will cause some pain and irritation."

"Okay." He takes the end of the bandage and starts to unravel it, the white cloth slowly turning pink as it gets closer to the end. Eventually, the bandage is removed, completely red in some spots. As the doctor checks the stitches and the wound, he seems to frown slightly.

"I see you have experienced cuts like this in the past."

"Yeah, about two years ago is when I got over it. I grew up." He nods slightly before taking a new bandage and wrapping my wrist up.

"Well, it seems to be doing fine. I want you to change the bandage every four hours. I'll make an appointment for you to come get the stitches taken out. A nurse will be back with the paper work for you to leave shortly. I don't want to see you here again for this Miss Torrey. Though I believe you are clumsy, I can tell the difference between a glass and a blade. If you ever feel like this again, I suggest calling someone to talk it out. I know it helped me." I look up at him in shock as he shows me his own wrist, the scars almost completely faded. "Can you do that for me Miss Torrey?" I nod slowly.

"Yes. Thank you for this Doctor."

"No problem, it's my job to help. I'll go get started on that paperwork for you. A nurse will be in soon to get you ready to leave." At this, he leaves the room with a clipboard in his hands.

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