Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth

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A/N: Okay ladies and gents!  Now, a few things before I can let you dive into the world below...
1. Throughout the story, there may be triggers. A warning will appear before the actual chapter. You can skip the entire chapter, and in the next one there will be a summary if you missed anything important.
2. Drugs will appear throughout the story, along with sexual innuendo's.
3. The chapter titles are Manson songs, Generally my favorite ones.
4. The quotes at the beginning are from Marilyn, ALWAYS. Most will come from his autobiography or from interviews that can be found on YouTube.

5. Please vote and comment, and if you want to go through and edit this, send me a DM and we can discuss you being the editor since my grammar is grotesque. 



"For the first time in my life, I was truly alone." - Marilyn Manson, The High End of Low Autobiography


The clouds fly past the window, tinted red and orange by the setting sun. The plane turns to the right, the wings cutting through the layer of clouds, revealing the city hiding underneath. Darkness already claiming most of the buildings, their neon lights shining brightly below.

Soon, the Hollywood sign appears on the horizon, making my blood race through my veins as my heart beats faster in excitement. It's a new start, a new life, a new beginning... no one knows me here. I think to myself.

Six months ago I had finally decided to leave the state of Vermont to branch out into the world, my first choice was to go to Los Angeles. I hated the cold, I hated snow, I hated small towns. LA was everything I wanted. Well, that and the added chance that I could meet famous people every time I left the house.

The girl sitting next to me pokes my shoulder, her eyes wide with excitement. "It's so good to be home! Don't you think?" I shrug as I turn to her slightly, still wanting to look out the window to see the view.

"I've never been this far West before. I'm from the East Coast. I just decided to move here. Not even sure where I'm going to stay." Her lips form into a grin as if she had a secret she wanted to tell.

"Well, You can stay with me! It's better than paying for stupid hotel rooms. I can get you a job too!" My interest peaked, I turn away from the window and narrow my eyes at her.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just help me clean houses. You'll get paid. No rent. I just need help. I had a partner but she got into drugs and couldn't be trusted. Plus, you seem like a cool chick. So if we get split up, meet me at the baggage claim when we land. I'd be more than happy to share a cab with you."

A million things fly through my head, was she a murderer? A pimp? Why would this stranger offer me a place to stay? But the more thoughts that flew, the more I realized that I have nothing left to loose.

"Very well. The name's Kyrsten, but everyone calls me Ryvr."

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you."

She chuckles and puts the tray back. "Abby. I like your name Ryvr. It seems to suit you. So what made you want to come to LA?"

I shrug and place my book in my bag under the seat. "Not sure. It's far enough from home that no one knows me. I just.. I felt like this is where I needed to be at this point in my life. I follow my instincts. They haven't let me down before."

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