True Colors (A Derek Hale Fanfiction)

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind giving you a ride." I'm sure you wouldn't I thought to myself. I just kept on walking and ignored him hoping he would get the hint. So I guess I'm going with my independent part, huh? "Come on, I promise I'll take you straight home."

Maybe if I was nicer to him that would hopefully help me convince him to leave me alone. "No, thank you. I just really want to enjoy the walk in the rain. It's peaceful to me." I smiled hoping he wouldn't see right through me. I actually do like the rain, I just don't like being drenched in it.

After starting at me for a few seconds he seemed to believe me. "Alright, just be careful ok?" That caught me off guard. He genuinely seemed like he cared. He didn't leave right away probably because he was waiting for me to reply.

"ummm...y-yea sure, thanks for the offer." I stuttered. When he drove away I couldn't help but feel...lonely. I still had maybe another ten minutes to walk.

Well this should be fun!


I finally arrived into town and was soaking wet. I was really thirsty from the walk and could use a Frappucinno right now. I spotted a Starbucks and thought why not? I'm already past curfew. I headed into Starbucks and was looking over the menu. The waiter came up and asked me what I wanted but I didn't know so I ordered the first thing I saw which was a Caramel Frappucinno so I wouldn't keep them waiting long. The waiter left to go make my order and I was looking for my money to have ready to give to her when she came back.

OH NO! I couldn't find my wallet anywhere in my bag. I was freaking out and was looking to see if maybe any body noticed. Thankfully they didn't, I could have sworn I brought my wallet with me and double checked just in case I didn't look right. When I couldn't find it I realized I left it in Jake's car when I offered to pay him back for buying me my ticket for the carnival.

I looked around again frantically hoping no one would notice me panicking. I figured I could make it out the door in time before the lady came back with my order even though I felt guilty that she had to make my Frappucinno in the first place. I was about to get up and walk out the door when I saw her heading straight towards me. Ah crap, I was too late! I would just have to tell her I didn't have money to pay for my order. This will be embarrassing considering there is quite a few people around me.

"Her you go, sweetie." Man, this lady seemed nice. It's going to be harder than I thought to tell but I had to, I couldn't chicken out. She would have found out any way when I didn't pay her.

"ummm...thank you but-" I was interrupted when someone gave the lady a ten dollar bill and took my Caramel Frappucinno. I looked up at my rescuer and couldn't help but notice that he was really really cute. He was wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. He was like some sort of bad ass.

"Here you go," the stranger handed me my order and looked at me. I know that voice! It suddenly dawned on me it was the same guy who tried to offer me a ride. He goes to this college? "I'm glad you made it safely."

Ooohh, you should have got in the car with him, my mind said.

Shut up, no matter how hot he is I wouldn't have gotten in the car anyways, I reminded my stupid self.

"Thanks, how did you know?" I asked him incredibly.

"You kept looking in your bag for something and you looked really freaked out. When you were about to go out the door, I figured you lost your wallet and couldn't pay." He said with a shrug like he was some sort of genius.

"oh..." was all I said.

It got a little awkward after that since none of us knew what to say. I didn't like being awkward so I got up and was going to tell him I was going to go back to my dorm when he asked, "Do you want to come sit with me?" Remember when I said I'm not really popular in college? Well I meant it. He probably isn't either but he was just so hot that I bet a lot of girls throw themselves at him. Why is he talking to me?

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