I showed my club ID and went inside. How the hell did I have my ID right now? Yes, we just happened to stop at my apartment to get a few things. There is a long passageway sort leading to different courts and locker rooms on the ground but unfortunately my luck wasn’t in the good direction today. Just under the nearby tree stood my best friends, Jenny and Maryam. They started coming towards me and I realised I was holding Daniel’s hand without realising it. Shit! I immediately let go and hoped that they hadn’t noticed.

They came trotting towards us, Jenny in her usual cornrows and white volleyball uniform with a white cap on her head; she was African American with perfect chocolate-brown skin and brunette hair. Maryam on the other hand was a red head with Egyptian background and you might be surprised to hear that it wasn’t an unusual combination. She wore the same uniform but without the cap, she didn’t really tan any ways, just turned pink. Both of them fit like a puzzle piece, one dark and one light.

Truthfully it was Maryam I was more worried about. Unnerving thing about her was that she seemed to notice everything, Jenny might miss it but Maryam had probably seen me and Daniel holding hands but there was always a little hope but then Maryam talked rarely so she wouldn’t have pointed it out loud. The phrase ‘The most silent ones are the most observant’ is correct on a lot of basis.  

Jenney started talking even before she reached us, “Where the hell where you?! I came by your house this morning and you weren’t there.”

“Err, I was out that’s all,” I said and even to me it seemed a lame excuse.

“Yeah right! You early in the morning. You can’t even get up at 9 AM,” she pointed out.

“Who’s he?” Maryam asked looking at Daniel. I must admit I had almost forgotten that he was there, almost.

“Umm… Jenny, Maryam this is Daniel my …”

“Boyfriend,” Daniel interrupted. I gave him a look from the corner of my eyes saying what-the-hell-are-you-up-to and he grinned back at me.

Maryam was smiling, yup! She had seen the handholding but Jenny’s mouth was hanging open. “What?! When…” She seemed speechless and then she cleared her throat and tried again, “The last time we knew you didn’t have a boyfriend. Were you hiding this from us?”

“Maybe she didn’t tell us was because she wanted to surprise us,” Maryam suggested.

“It is a surprise alright,” I mumbled.

Jenny actually put her hand forward, “Hi, I’m Jenny and this is Maryam.” Maryam just waved at the mention of her name (she didn’t like shaking hands much) while Jenny and Daniel shook hands.

“Why the hell are you dressed up in black from head to toe on such a hot day?” Jenny asked abruptly then she turned to me, “And when did you start wearing dresses?!”

I just stared at them thinking what to say but unfortunately Daniel just saved me from saying anything, “I’m allergic to access sunlight, so I have to dress up as such whenever I’m out in the sun and” he looked at me and smiled, “she wore the dress for me.” I just stared at him and didn’t know what to say.

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