Leo was grasping at straws now, all he wanted was for his bride to be happy.   He watched her with nothing but concern etched into his face and that obvious concern was the one thing that threw Shelby for a loop.  How could a monster like this dark brooding man with such an air of arrogance surrounding him possibly shed an ounce of concern for a woman like her.

Shelby closed her eyes and tried to remind herself exactly who this man or more like what this man really was but his scent, a mixture of exotic and spicy, called to her in a way that she could not explain.  She felt drawn to him and yet she couldn't make heads or tails out of the situation.  How would I ever face any one in public again?  How can I ever be normal now that I am so different?  I'm not even human anymore.

Slowly she opened her eyes and was instantly met by his midnight black orbs staring back at her.  "Why are you watching me like that?" She asked suddenly filling a little self-conscious about herself. She wrapped her arms across her chest and quickly averted her gaze to anything but him. 

Leo sighed.  "Look, I understand that everything is really different to you now.  Your senses are magnified ten fold and that can be pretty alarming to someone who is not quite prepared for something like that.  Why don't we go and find you something to eat and then surely you'll fill better about everything."

Not likely, Shelby thought to herself.

However, she was feeling a little faint after her screaming bout and thought that maybe something with a little sugar or even some extra carbohydrates might do her some good.  Taking a step back, putting more distance between her and Leo, she nodded her head in agreement. "Maybe you're right," she said softly, still not willing to look in those damnable eyes that always seemed to pull her in.  As long as she didn't look, then she didn't have to worry about being sucked into his spell.  "I probably could use a little something to settle my nerves."

Leo then offered her a breathtaking smile and before she even realized his intent, he was on her, with his hands gently framing her face and his lips pressed securely against hers.  Her first response was to stiffen up and freeze but when he flicked out than wicked tongue of his and licked the seam along her bottom lip, she was a total goner.  She was lost to everything except the man that held her, the very same one that surrounded her. 

For the briefest of moments she tried uselessly to tell herself that this guy that was so thoroughly kissing her was not human, a monster even, but those thoughts were quickly banished when his tongue slid sensually along side hers causing a burst of pleasure to pool deep in her belly and explode outward through every cell of her body.  It was a mind numbing experience to say the least and this was all from just a kiss.

A very dangerous kiss, she thought to herself as Leo slowly pulled away from her and watched her with a smugness that she wanted to wipe clear off of his face.

"That can not happen again, Mr.-," and she looked up at him expectantly.  Shelby knew that she had told him her name, at least she thought that he had but for the life of her, she could not remember what that name was.

Leo took her arm in his and walked her towards the door, "My dear Shelby, just call me Leo." 

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now