My little pregnant wife

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The Sleep Talk

"Honey, I maybe pregnant...", I was half-awaked by a tiny little voice. It was my wife.

Having been joking about pregnancy for years, I laughed.

"Why do you say that?" I asked?

"Nothing, you haven't kissed me yet" She said.

I laughed, and falling back to sleep.

Esther and I had been married for a year. Recently we just got a new house and we are in the mist of getting things set up. Having to deal with all the movings and renovations, we have barely no time to talk.

At the age of 22, I proposed to her and we got arried 2 years later. Being a husband at the age of 24, we are one of the youngest married couple in our group. Speaking about our wedding, did I mebtioned that we had two? One in oversea for our parents to attend and one in Burlington, Ontario, and we even did a online broadcast so all our friends can attend virtually. Well, this is our life.

My little pregnant wifeWhere stories live. Discover now