[no мore ғearѕ] Spamano Fic.

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Authors Note: Dedicated to Monica and Erin ;w; and everyone on skype <3 ILY GAIZ~ I hope this doesnt suck lmao I'm not much of a writer haha so bear with me. Also I feel as if the ending did NO justice to my original plan... blaim me for sleeping half way through while typing losing my writers thunder.



He had watched him fall. Fall in bloody shambles, torn clothes, sliced flesh and sweat and dirt. It was a painfully slow fall but it seemed to have rushed by the small boy. Blood stained the tile floor at the entrance, a quivering heart wrenching thud as the man’s breath drained away at his life. The boys heard began to beat like a drum, pounding against his chest and ears he was sure that even the broken soldier in front of him heard it in his impending death. The young little servant gripped the handle of the broom tightly in his tiny fists



 “S-…..SPAIN!” The small voice screeched in a sob dropping the broom in his hand and running desperately across the room to the bleeding Spaniard. “SPAIN~! SPAIN YOU BASTARD G-GET UP~” He cries out pushing the heavily breathing brunette. Spain opened his eyes looking up at the small crying Italian. His eyes… they weren’t that brilliant and annoyingly bright green Romano saw each time his name was called, They didn’t shine like they did when Romano did something that made him smile. They were dull. So very dull and so very weak- No, this isn’t the Spain he knew. The Spain he knew- He would stand right up and laugh, The Spain he knew would smile and say it okay, The Spain he knew would wipe away his tears and hug him and make him churros or pasta, The Spain he knew wouldn’t just lie here bleeding like an animal on the road. With those dull dying eyes and a strained nod Spain gave out a heavily forced smile “I’m… Home Roman-n-no-“ a thick throaty wet series of coughs erupted from his mouth before the final one added more crimson on the white floor, some splattering on Romano’s small shoes and apron. “Spain! SPAIN~ SPAIN~ DON’T DIE BASTARD” the little nation sobbed out getting on his knees trying to lift and move his injured boss, he sobbed and choke and hiccupped demanding Spain to live “Wh-who will feed me when you’re gone? Who’s going to clean my room and the house when I’m sleepy? Who will tell me stories before a siesta? Who will give me that stupid cheer up charm when I’m mad? LISTEN, BASTARD!” His sobs were loud- his near scarlet face was running with tears and snot. He felt useless and spoiled; He felt like a total brat a nuisance. Here he was sobbing demands to Spain who was dying before his eyes… and he couldn’t do anything… anything. Romano desperately held on to Spain in a tight hug as if trying to hold him in one piece in his tiny arms so he wouldn’t fall apart. He cried and pleaded and screamed while the crimson blood stained his clothes and body “SPAIN~!” The said man lifted a heavy arm and rested his palm on the back of Romano’s head weakly. “It’s okay Lovinito… I’m... I’m here. It’s- it’s okay” He whispered the blatant lie tiredly as the sobs invaded his ears. Hurried footsteps of the servants rushed in the room hearing Romano’s sobs ripping him away from Spain weak and tired arms. He kicked and thrashed around “LET ME GO! DAMNIT HE’S DYING! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO ASSHOLE! SPAIN~” He reached to Spain who was being tended to by 2 other servants. He tantrumed continuously when he was halted by those eyes staring at him. Those dull eyes, though Spain’s face was twisted in pain and fatigue, his eyes almost smiled to Romano it was as if he’d mentally done what he always does before he’d leave to fight. He would kiss little reluctant Romano on his forehead and say “I’ll be back soon” with the same smile in his eyes. The servant who held on to Romano turned him so he would be hidden in her shoulder and turned away to take him to his room. “You better be okay when they’re done! If you’re not okay I’ll kill you bastard!” He shouted. He saw Spain’s sad smile before an ebony closing door blocked away his image.



Romano’s eyes flashed open with a gasp breathing a bit too quickly looking up at the white ceiling above him. He turned his head to the side and saw Spain with his face half buried in the pillow muttering in his sleep in between his deep slumber breathing. He sat up wiping away tears and the tiredness from his eyes. The nightmare again- no, the memory that haunted his dreams not too often since growing up would never leave his mind, How many centuries has it been. Since how long ago was it when Romano had to leave out bloody clothes on a line because it wouldn’t wash off, or desperately wipe away at the little shoes he wore that smelt of blood. He looked back to Spain who was still as he was when Romano first opened his eyes. Subtly, he reached his hand out and moved away tray brunette locks from his lover’s face, leaving a shy kiss on his forehead before standing from the bed and covers greeted by the morning breeze that moved through the partly cracked window. The memories frightened him, ‘What if’s drowned Romano in his own mind making him believe that mornings like these are nothing short of a miracle. He smiled yet he wanted to cry, he never ever, ever, ever wants to see Spain as broken as he was that horrible day and the ones after. “Lovino…” called Spain’s voice from a pillow in a soft murmur, he lifted his hand waving the Italian over and patting his vacant space on the bed “come back and sleep more” he said. Romano listened sinking back into the bed, closing the gap between them himself instantly cocooned within Spain’s arms. He stroked the back of his head kissing his forehead “It was a long time ago, Lovi” He whispered “Wh-what are you talking about bastard?” he received a small laugh in return “You’re always so shaken by the dream, I can see it no matter how hard you hide it, ever since you first told me” Romano looked away with a frown “shut up” Spain smiled widely at him, that same smile that he desperately wished to see on that day,  the smile he was afraid to never see again. These desperate feelings came rushing in flooding in his eyes. Spain saw and lifted himself on top of Romano caressing his face “Lovi~ It’s okay I promised you, mi amor, that I’d never die nor ever leave you” He would have smiled, but his face was so flushed and his lips were caught by Spain’s. He didn’t want to be anywhere else, any and all fears he had of Spain being hurt or disappearing lifted within the comforting kiss. He knew the memories would come back but being here with Spain, with Antonio, was all that mattered nothing else, nothing at all. Not the memories, not the nightmares, not the ticking clock that counted away the time they spend together like this. Nothing… nothing… Just two things would ever matter in this moment. Being Together and Loving the other more as the seconds ticked by when the little kisses shared became an intense mess on that mattress they shared, Only Romano and Spain- Antonio and Lovino nothing else, No one else.

There was only ‘them’.

Only ‘Together’.

Just Two nations and No fears.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2011 ⏰

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