Chapter 2

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Layla's POV (Francis' Pic)

I am now staring at myself in the mirror to check if I look presentable. I have a royal blue dress that reaches my knees, nude stilletos, a nude bow on my hair, and a blue, small but cute handbag. You are probably wondering why I am wearing this if I am going to a meeting. Well, after taking a bath I noticed this dress on my queen sized bed and this blue handbag, so I put it on and put nude instead of blue stilletos to add some more color and and I put on a nude bow to match.
I guess it is time to get to that meeting. I was walking downstairs when I spotted a plate of waffles and an omelette. So I quickly ate that cause, come on who doesn't like those? So I quickly got up and turned to the door. I went outside noticing my baby. Just kidding. It's my ferrari but I call it my baby cause I just love ferraris. I went inside my car and started the engine. Oh how I love that sound.
After what seemed like 10 minutes, I finally arrived at the company. When I got out, I saw that guys were looking my way and staring at me like I was their favorite piece of meat, so I quickly went inside.
"Good morning miss" said Gabriella the secretary of my dad.
"Good morning to you too." I said back politely while smiling. She escorted me to the office where they have their meetings.
"Sir, your daughter is here." She said
"Come in." My dad said from the other sode of the door. She opened the door for me and I murmured thank you while she smiled at me.
"Ah! Layla come sit here beside me." My dad said. I did as told.
"Anyways, Layla you remember Max right?" He asked. I nod my head. Max Cage owns the largest and most successful company in America and has many branches around the world.
"Good. Anyways, Max and I have talked and we agreed on making you engaged to his son Francis, so we'll be partners and of course for you. We have noticed that Francis is infatuated with you." He said smiling from ear to ear. I just nod my head knowing I can't do anything to change his mind, my dad is as stubborn as a rock.
"Great! Since Francis likes you very much and you are already engaged to him, you will be living at his house, well Max's house. Even though I will miss you very much, this is for your future so I will let you live at his house. By the way, you will be moving in at Saturday." He said. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Today is Sunday, so I only have a week left.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like Francis, he is handsome, sweet, rich and caring but he's not the One for me. I will surely miss my family.
I forgot to mention my mom. Oops! My mom died when I was 12 because of cancer. She tried her best to live and we supported her but one day she just said she was tired. We loved her very much and we still do so we respected her decision and let her go to paradise. We miss her so much. Ever since then, it has just been my dad and me. He never tried to date other women and has always been trying to be 2 parents to me so I will always be happy.
Now, I want to make my dad happy, so I am going through this marriage. Even though I'm not in love with Francis, I will learn to. I HAVE to.

In love with my fianceé's brother?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें