A Night with magic (part One)

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Arisu's P.O.V
Time passes unexpectedly fast, it feels like just a minute ago I got a rose from a boy in my class, Kaito Kuroba . I wonder does he always do this to everyone? Either way it's lunchtime, I wonder what they gave me for lunch? I opened the lid of my lunch box " I guess it's fine" I quietly say seeing the inside of the bento that has been prepared " and it's surprisingly normal " I thought remembering how monstrous our lunch box is at the hanami last year.

While eating my lunch, a girl walks and stop beside me." Hi! My name is Aoko Nakamori, I hope that we can be friends " she say and smiled at me, 'I guess it's okay, after all connection might be the best ally' I thought while answering " it is a pleasure to meet you too Nakamori - san and I as well hope that we can be good friends " after I say that she looks at me for quite awhile " just call me Aoko,then let's get along Arisu - san" she smiled and I hummed as an answer. " eeeeh your already close with the new girl, that's not fair" a certain boy suddenly joins the conversation....yes,Kuroba Kaito. " hey let me join too" he say but aoko seems to dislike and liked the situation " yo!" He smiled at me, well I'm not used to that kind of greeting so I copied him "y-yo..?" I replied unsure of what to say. "Pfff.. Hahahahaha" he suddenly laugh 'Eh? Did I do something wrong again?' I thought as aoko telling him to stop." Ahahah okay okay sorry, it's just her reaction is really funny and cute in the same time" he say after dodging few hits from aoko. " is that so,i guess that I'll have to get used to many things now" I sad a bit nervous " yeah you should" he say and giving me a pretty mischievous smile. " by the way my name is-" " Kaito Kuroba, I know the teacher said it earlier " I interrupted and state an obvious fact." well then lets try to get along" aoko said trying to settle an akward mood down.

well the rest of it is only kaito and aoko telling me about alot of stuff. many of them caught my interest especially about the return of the phantom thief sadly all of the things i want to hear is interupted by the bell as kaito and aoko return to thier seats. the rest of this day is just learning stuff that surprizingly I've already learned at home. though its just me or kaito is staring at me. i guess its just a weird hallucination.

as time past by, the school is already over. aoko tried to ask me if I want to go home with her and kaito , but I'm not sure sharon would allow that and it could trouble the driver that's asingned to pick me up, so I refuse politely. After I said my refusal, Kaito let out a smirk that made me quite uneasy. After they left, I walked to the front gate to go home. The driver that have been standing by, opens the door for me and after I got in he closed it and starts the car ( of course Oz already there).

In the ride home, I was somewhat restless. Today felt very new to me and exciting. In this moment......somewhere in my mind , was a thought that the outside world wasn't so bad after all. Encounters are some what gave her a nice feeling, forming acquaintances are pleasant, and most off all the feeling that Kaito Kuroba made her feel.......it was the best thing and confusing in the same time.

'Perhaps this is what 'that' word means?'

I said deep in my mind as the scenery kept on changing until it was changed into the mansion. Oz seemd to notice something in me, because he unusually ask if I feel alright. I said I'm fine, although he might not believe me, but he knows I would probably dislike it if he tries to pry deeper.The car stops at the main entrance and Break was there to open the door.

" welcome home milady " he greeted me as he bowed after opening the door. Then Oz take my bag, walked inside after me. Break was somehow surprised at me for some reason. He handed me a bunch of candy while walking, then leave just like that. Right now I'm just confused and still restless.

Red Queen Alice (Magic KaitoXPandora Hearts crossover)(Kaito Kid x OC)(ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora