"Wow," Adrien gasped. "This is... strange."

"Can you see alright?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Good," Marinette nodded. "I want to make you unrecognizable from my friends, especially Alya."

"Got it," Adrien replied. "Thanks--" He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?"

"Marinette," she replied with a graceful curtsy.

Adrien laughed. "Thanks, Marinette. Truly."

Marinette blushed at his sincere laugh. "N-No problem," she stuttered.

Just then, a piercing scream filled the air. Marinette ran to her window and looked out. She gasped as she saw a woman being robbed by a guy in all black.

"Help!" the distraught woman screamed.

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows. Now was the time to take action. She quickly fled the window, leaving a shocked Adrien.

"Where are you going?" he asked frantically.

"To--" Marinette began, but stopped when she remembered that she couldn't tell anyone her secret. She gulped. "To warn Alya!"

Adrien nodded quickly before turning back to the window. Marinette sighed with relief and left her cottage. She hid behind a tree and let Tikki out of her pocket.

"Are you ready, Marinette?" Tikki asked excitedly.

Marinette clenched her fists confidently. "Yeah. Tikki, spots on!"

A red light filled the air as Marinette transformed into the spotted hero, Ladybug. She left her hiding spot and raced over to the danger. She landed right in front of the robber.

"Hi there," she greeted warmly with a wave of her hand. The villain stared at her in shock. "I'm new at this, so I'll make sure not to go easy on you."

Ladybug sprang up into the air, spinning her yoyo very quickly. She landed besides the robber and kicked him in the shin. He fell backwards and landed on the ground.

"Give the woman her stuff back!" Ladybug demanded confidently.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" the robber asked, his eyes wide.

"Nope," Ladybug replied simply. She retrieved the stolen goods from the man, then reared back her yoyo and prepared to flung it at him, but he quickly dodged it. He picked up Ladybug over his head and then chucked her away from him.

She shrieked helplessly as she flew through the air, desperately hanging onto the goods. Tikki told her to use her yoyo, but her fear overpowered her.

Ladybug landed on the ground with a hard smack. She groaned in pain. By now, all the villagers were watching the event unfold. Ladybug even saw Alya watching intensely.

The robber was striding towards Ladybug. He brought out a sharp knife and aimed it at the superhero. He grinned sardonically.

"Looks like your old news already, Bug," the man hissed. He raised his arm and prepared to throw it at Ladybug.


A silver pole shot through the air at the robber's hand, causing the knife to clatter on the gravel beneath them. He shockingly glanced over and widened his eyes even more.

Ladybug glanced over at her rescuer and saw a boy about her age, dressed in black leather and black cat ears along with a long, black tail. He also had messy blonde hair and piercing green cat eyes. He smirked.

"Seriously, where are your manners?" the boy exclaimed, catching his silver pole as it flew back to him like a boomerang. "Obviously you don't have any, so let me teach you some."

He started sprinting over to the robber with his pole at his side. He raised it up over his head and yelled, "Sit!"

The boy smacked his pole on the robber's head. It made a loud thud. The robber fell back on the ground, unconscious. Ladybug got to her feet and jogged over to the cat boy who was standing proudly with his hands on his hips. The villagers clapped and cheered for the two superheroes.

"Nice work," Ladybug complimented.

The boy bowed before leaning over and grabbing Ladybug's hand. He kissed it romantically. "It was nothing."

"What's your name?" Ladybug asked, slowly bringing her hand away from him.

"Chat Noir," he introduced with a smirk. "And you must be--"

"Ladybug," she responded before he could finish.

He smirked and stood up straight. "I like you already, my lady."

"Don't call me that," Ladybug responded awkwardly. She handed the woman her stolen goods and she thanked the superhero graciously.

Ladybug had begun walking away when Chat called out to her desperately. "Wait! Where are you going?"

"Uh, back to my normal life?" she replied.

"Will I ever see you again?" Chat asked.

Ladybug winked. "Maybe, kitty cat."

Then, she used her yoyo to exit and mastered it perfectly. That was her favorite method of transportation now.

Chat Noir blushed as he held his hand close to his heart. "Ah, Ladybug," he sighed dejectedly. "I do hope we see each other again."

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