chapter five

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above is this outfit she's wearing in this chapter until I say otherwise. happy reading!


Sleep didn't fall easy that night. The bed felt too rough at times, yet too soft at others. One minute I was hot, the next cold. My emotions were floundering in my chest and all I craved was the sweet release of sleep. That's all I wanted.

"Not all I wanted." I subconsciously thought.

I pondered long and hard about Erik's proposition. I repeatedly punched the wall once I got into my room after he told me.

"How could you be so stupid?" The angry voice echoed inside my head from last night. The pounding on the walls was still giving me a headache.

"How pathetic! Going after the first guy you laid eyes on!" I'm pretty sure I caused my palms to bleed because I was pressing my fingertips way too hard into them. I was so disappointed in myself.

"Can I be that desperate for love?" I thought to myself. But right now that doesn't matter. None of this matters. It's long past being gone, it's basically forgotten. Right now I just need to focus on getting piss drunk to erase the memory of his eyes.

Me and all the other mutants are just hanging out like we were last night. All of us were bored out of our minds. At least I decided to let my wings sprawl today, I figured I have nothing to hide anymore.

Havok and Darwin were playing some ball game that looked like it belonged to a carnival, and Banshee and Hank were chilling on the couch across from Raven and Angel. While I on the other hand am digging through the whiskey bottles behind the bar.

"Oh look! The circus is in town!" The sound of a jackass prude distracted me from my alcohol scavenger hunt, making me turn completely around. A bottle of Jack Daniels was in one hand and in the other was my blatant middle finger on display for both of the nut sacks to see."C'mon honey! Give us a little.." Apparently my sign wasn't enough for them, because they continued to antagonize us through the window. One of the men gestured wings on the sides of him, using his arms to whisp around like a flapping bird. They look utterly ridiculous right now.

"Alright let's see your feet, Bigfoot!" The two assholes teased. Hank wasn't taking any of it and immediately got up to close the blinds. This shielded the man's disappointed "Aww c'mon.." And with one slight wave we were all released of our interrogation.

"They're just guys being stupid." Raven assured Angel who looked distraught by the whole situation.

"Guys being stupid my ass-" I started.

"Hey!" Hank interrupted before he pointed a finger towards Darwin. Luckily, Darwin and Havok are too busy playing their game that he didn't even notice.

"Sorry." I whispered while I brought my big bottle with me to lay down on the couch.

"Guys being stupid I can handle. I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather have guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me." Angel replied, ignoring my buzzed state.

"At us." Raven yet again reassured to Angel. She's not alone in this. We've all done our time with people who didn't accept us, most of the time with us being the victim and the attacker.

At this point, I just plopped onto the couch. I was about to take a large swig before Banshee stopped me."I think that's enough for one night.." He ushered.

"Wh-wha-" I protested. I was prepared to start World War III for this bottle, but then the phone rang. I wasn't even aware that we had a phone. I don't know what lit up inside me, but I was the first to dash to pick it up. Reaching down for the dark telephone, I brought it up to my ear. The first thing I heard was a wildly frantic voice. A too familiar voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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