Chapter 5

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"Kim! Kim!" Mei is shouting me but it seems so distant almost like... No it's nothing, I go over to play with mei. It's freaking me out she's just keeps staring and repeating my name suddenly I see black around my vision and my eyes glase purple what the heck is going on?

I feel the cusion of my sofa under me and I open eyes,

"Ah!" I jump startled by Duncan's face in front of me "jeez you made me jump!"

"FINALLY! I've watched like 10 films you've been asleep for ages!" Duncan says even though I seem to zone out slightly getting lost in his e- wait what?! Getting lost in Duncan's eyes?! "Are you ok Kim?"

"What? Yeah! Never been better!" I trail off, my voice sounds kinda animated, weird...

"Anywhooooo, I better go!" Duncan proclaims breaking the silence I so longed to carry on.

"Right yeah it's getting late I agree, I'll show you out." I throw the blanket off me and Duncan to reveal that I've had my legs draped over Duncan this entire time, I DIDN'T NOTICE?!
I blush away from him and get up to get my keys, I open the door and he steps onto the door step.

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment and edge a bit closer, I stand on my toes and our lips almost touching, my foot slips on the carpet and I slam into him, our lips collide but neither of us pull away we just stand there kissing on the door step under the light of the moon.

"Sorry..." I stutter after an awkward silence, both of us blushing Duncan gets in his car, I shut the door and lean my back up against it grinning,

I just kissed Duncan Jones.

Animated (a YOGSCAST Kim fan-fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt