Chapter 2- Sleep Over

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-May's POV-

     We got into our designated rooms and say goodnight to the guys. Since the journey was long, they decided to go to bed straight away. In turn gave us time to fish around. It was weird being in my room again, considering I haven't stepped foot in the house in over a month. A mix of good and bad feelings came along. On one hand, it was nice to be back, on the other, we were told never to come back. That's the most unsettling part, what if something does happen?

     "Oh my gosh, May, come check this out!" Sarah was holding up a drawing that we made in grade two. It was us in stick figure form holding each other's hands. She colored herself in a pink dress, me in black pants and a blue shirt. Behind us, there is a swing set to our left and a tree to our right. In our sharing hands we are holding a purple flower, with the sun right above it. There are no clouds, symbolizing the happiness of the day.

     Those were the days, where there was no worry, care free kids running around the playground. Now, thing shave changed for me, and that's not okay. Not this way at least, growing older and maturing, yes, but not running for our lives from our teacher, no. Thankfully, he's in jail and we'll never have to see or hear from him again.

     "I remember when we made that. Good times, dood," we chuckled and she finds a place to put the picture. Tex and Lilly are sharing a room with us and it's a good time to get to know one another. "So Lilly, how did you meet Ty?"  ask her, trying to be friendly. She appears to be nice, so becoming friends with her shouldn't be that difficult.

     "We met in the parking lot at the hotel. He seems like a nice guy," her voice is quiet and sweet, "he was really worried when you guys were in the hospital, so he seems caring," I nod and smile.

    "Yeah, he's a really nice guy once you get to know him," she smiles in agreement. "What about you Tex? From what I hear, you and Ian seem to have a little spark that just needs a match in order to be lit," I try to do that arm thing where you move it back and fourth, but it seems to be failing miserably, and they just stared at me like I was insane.

     "Well... I don't really know actually, I mean, yeah I think he does, but I don't know positively," she's blushing like crazy, so we need a plan to match.

     "I can get information from Ian about it," Sarah chimes in and we all agree it's a good idea. "I'll being it up tomorrow at lunch or something."

    "No, not in front of people. That can go totally south," we pause thinking about Tex's comment, realizing that it's best for Sarah and Ina to talk about it in private.

     "I'll find a time then, it shouldn't be that difficult," this isn't going to be hard for Sarah, she can be sneaky, subtle, and can transition very well into topics. It's going to be interesting to see how this will turn out, if you ask me, I think Ian likes her.

     We start talking about random topics, starting to get to know each other. Tex and Lilly seem like nice girls, they met in grade eight , at Art Club. They've been best friends ever since and have interests in Anime and video games, epically Minecraft. Looking at the time, it's midnight and we should probably  go to sleep. "Well, I'm going to sleep, night guys," I say and crawl into bed, soon followed by the others.

Is It Over (Sequel to Why Us?)Where stories live. Discover now