chap. 2

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"Mom we have to go to new York to shot part of the show I am so excited!"
" That is great but you should go pack" she said
I went upstairs to my room to pack. See I play Emma Carstairs on the TV show called shadowhunters. I have read all the books they are called the mortal Instruments. They were my favorite series.
When I am done mom takes me to the airport. Standing there are my friends and fellow cast members Kat & Dom. I run to them and tackle them it has been 2weeks since I have seen them.
"& US U" they say at the same time

⌚=time skip
⌚⌚⌚past reunion⌚⌚⌚
"Ugh" I scowel
" whats wrong?"Kat asks looking concerned
"The unicorns dancing on the tables" I say sarcasm dripping of my voice
"HAHA" Dom says
"No it's the air port security that's what!"
"OH" they say
⌚⌚⌚in NY⌚⌚⌚
"I can not wait to see Matt, Isaiah, Emeraude, Alberto, & HARRY!!!!!!"
"They all missed you, we missed you!"Dom said

📩 hey guys this is my first fan fiction. Also I will try to update as much as I can but I get grounded alot and when I say alot ii mean ALOT i HEY WHAT CAN I SAY I AM A RULE BREAKER

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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