Part 1

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This is one of my earlier pieces so after you read this, please leave comments on how i need to improve. All criticism is welcome unless it's derogatory. Enjoy!     -Ash

               I woke up to a white room with nothing but a bed in it. My red hair was laying across the pillow case and my dirty blue jeans and floral blouse were still on. The uncomfortable bed was like the ones you find in hospitals. I didn't know what to do or what happened to caused me to come here. One minute I was looking at my father, barely holding his hand and bleeding out. He was looking at me with sadness in his eyes and I was feeling very weak without the transfusions. The doctors and nurses were moving around shouting incomprehensible things at each other, then there was nothing but eerie darkness. Planting my feet on the ground, I stood up slowly. 

                There is only one white door that was slightly ajar. I take a few steps to steady myself then turn the knob very slightly then it opens on its own accord. I poke my head out see what the next room contains. All I can see is a bronze colored balance scale and a wood platform. Why they are there is beyond me but hey I'm not questioning someone else's choices. I walk across the room to see that the scale is solid gold with decorative silver trimmings. Out of the silence, I suddenly hear a loud, humor filled voice say,

                 " Do you like what you see?" I turn around quickly and clumsily trip and land in a man's arms. He starts laughing as I try to back away but he holds on to me .I look up at him and see a tall man with rippling muscles and a gorgeous tan. His arms are like two giant tree trunks that are wrapped around me. His hair was dark as night and it went to the small of his back. This strange man had an odd, shiny, black eye color and was wearing blue jeans and a black tight shirt with no shoes. That's right, the hot man was flipping barefoot!! Can you believe that?! The shirt was shaping all his godly sculpted and handsome muscles. He looked deep into my violet eyes and it was like he was looking into my soul. It took all of my willpower but I finally stood up and out of his arms.

 "So where am I, sir?" I asked politely.

"Please call me Anubis. "The mysterious man said. That name sounded familiar however; I couldn't quite think of why.

"Ok, Anubis what is this place?" I questioned while looking around the great room.

" This room is the judgment room," He exclaimed while making a grand gesture of motioning around the room. I was shocked and weird out by this room for reasons I didn't yet understand.

"What is the judgment room used for? "I asked, trying to sound causal.

"Enough talk, please take a step up onto the platform, "Anubis sighed. Weirdly, but fast I step up on the platform and turn back to Anubis.

"Good job," Anubis clapped almost sarcastically while smirking. I have no idea what I am doing on this platform or why he wanted me to stand on this strange room's platform. Anubis turned around and started whispering to no one. Before I could interrogate him about it he stopped. Anubis turn towards me and said,

" So should we start now or later. "I shrugged not knowing what he was talking about.

"Great the sooner we started this, the better, "he said. Then the door that I entered through opened again and in walked a chicken with a glow around it. I begin backing away and manage to stammer out,

" H-Holy cows!" Anubis looks at me and bursts out laughing while yelling out," Out of everything to say, you chose to say Holy cows?"

Nodding I stare and wait until he's done laughing when his figure flickers. One moment he is wearing a black shirt and jeans and then he is all the sudden in a tunic of sorts. I run towards the room that originally came from as he is calling after me when I run into a wall. Well to not sound like an idiot and to be fair, it was a wall of muscle and flesh, a person, another man. I land on my butt and look up, this man is older and looks more...buff.

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