Chapter 2 : Who Was That Guy

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this is the continuation of chapter 1



I turned around and saw through the window. There was this guy he had grey hair and gray bangs covering his eyes. When he saw me he smiled. Then he reached to his pocket and got out three candies. I was dumbstruck  does candies are  the one's they sale on France they are really rare.   Then he pointed to the candie then to me. He was giving them to me I nodded that i wanted them. So i turned around and said to Kite 

"Brother, stay here im coming back"

"Where are you going, sis?" he asked.

So I lied" To the next shelf of candies, don't worry"

"Ok " he said and turned around to continuing to see the gingerbread houses. So i started walking but instead of walking to the next shelf i walked to the main door. When I got there I pushed till I opened it the door was pretty heavy for me. I got outside and there was the man when he saw me he grabbed my small hand and said

" I'll give you the candy over here, come" He leaded me to not a really far away alley. When we got there he gave me the candy I put it on my pocket

" Don't tell anyone about the candies ok?

"Okay" i said 

Then he got out of his  pocket a book. He gave it to me and said 

"Open this book"

I opened it and when i did a burst of light came out with a lot of force that i tripped and fell on the hard ground.  Now the Alley was filled with bright light.  The light was moving in a swirly motion on top of me. Then It created a bubble and i was inside

"What;s happening?"

"  Just keep the book and don't show it to anyone?"

"Okay if you say so "

"It's for your own good"

I hid the book in my small bag. Then I saw my dad appear in the alley with Kite.

"What you did to my daughter?"

Suddenly I felt very dizzy. 

" it's for ...................."

I couldnt hear anymore cause I passed out"


I wonder what he was gonna say maybe I could have stayed longer without passing out. But well the past was past.  I thought while I had the book  on my hands. I wasnt able to open the book since that night. I wonder why he gave it to me. I had showed it to anybody like he said.  But well since that night I was locked up in this room. Well at least i was still inside our house. But no one could get to my room that easily since it was on a secret passage.  People just came in here to bring food. At least there was a restroom and a bathtub in here. But well I still wonder what that guy said.








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