Trust me,  I know.

The woman- dressed in black by the way- came to me really angrily, slapped me and whispered: 'Shut up, cutie.' All I saw were her red lips smiling at me and her eyes glowing like a... wolf. But in that moment, I had to deal with another problem. Did she just call  me cutie?  Yeah, that's the thing. My cheek hurted as fuck and my head was twice that worse, but I still didn't get why she called me that, if she wanted to kill me. I will never understand those psychotic women.

'It won't hurt as much if you'll cooperate.'she said, smile spreaded across her face as she raised the knife up to my eyes. I couldn't really see her face, her hair was covering it, but I saw her nails were painted blue. Some of them gnawed and broken. Knifepoint diged into my cheek and sharp pain  shot through my head as warm blood started to trickle down my face. But at least the tape started to peel off so I helped it a little with my tongue. When it was lose enough, I started to talk, hoping she'll understand. 'Pho the phell are yphu?!' I hummed. She stopped looking at the blood tripping down from my chin and looked me dead into eyes.

'Who am I?' she asked, which I answered with slight nod. 'Well, I am whatever you want me to be. I could be anyone. I could be... your mother?' My heart skipped a beat as she said those two words. My father barely talked about her and I tried not to think about those kind of things. My eyes started to burn and water. 'Oh I could, right? Just a little bit of makeup and you wouldn't recognise me. Don't cry baby.' She said as she wiped my tears away. 'I could be just some crazy woman who wants to kill you. Maybe I am some girl from the internet that you made fun of as a 8 year old boy and now I want revenge because thanks to you, I have some mental problems. I am none of these people, don't worry. I am a ghost. I am something, that'll make you regret knowing other person. I am the worst type of human. I will make you regret something that wasn't your fault. You never heard of me. Yes, I want revenge. But not from you. From a person that hurted me so much you can't imagine it.'

'Pho is it?' I said. She remain silent for a few seconds and then looked at me with a serious expression on her face.

'Derek Hale.' When her mouth pronounced this name, I got a heart attack. I didn't know if it was from my heart stopping completely or from beating too fast. Derek Hale. Derek. Hale. Derek freaking Hale. I haven't heard of him in such a long time and now she just said his name like it was nothing. I mean... woah. While I was quietly trying to process this information, she pulled down the tape really fast. 

'Fuck! Be careful!' I shouted.. Bittersweet blood got on my tongue and until then I realized one of my teeth is missing. Someone probably punched me, but before I could get and proper conclusion, she hurtfully grabbed my face and looked me dead in the eyes. 'I give the commands, you listen, understand?' I felt the drops of sweat fall on my lips and when they got on my tongue amd mixed with the lood, I really wanted to throw up. I looked up  at her and finally, I could see her face. Short, black hair, striking blue eyes, piercing in her lower lip. She had a scar across her left half of her face, probably from an animal, I guess.

'If you want a revenge from Derek, why did you kiddnap me?' I spit out the blood from my mouth.

'Well, how should I explain... Okay, here's the whole story. When I was 5 years younger, I used to be his Alpha. He was the best Beta I could ever wish for but then he started to date my sister. My family didn't know I was a werewolf, so neither did my sister. In fact- we were hunter family. My parents grew up as hunters and taught me and my sister and brother how to hunt werewolves. But then I got bit. My parents always told me to kill myself right away when this was about to happen- they were very strict- but I didn't do it, because I was in love with someone and I was happy and I was great as werewolf. I became fucking Alpha! I ran away from my family- I told them I wanna move to my boyfriend's apartment and that he lives far away, so they won't visit so often. But I was telling Derek all the time to stay away from my sister, because when she'll find out he'S a werewolf, she will kill him. But he was in love! Freaking teenagers. And- well she found out! She told my parent and they were after him. Kodex didn't mean anything to them considering the circumstances. But you know Derek. He is really dominant. So he killed them. While protecting himself of course, but still. He could easily run away. But kill my family?' I looked at her and saw tears streaming down her face but she was still smiling. 'He didn't have to kill my family. People I loved the most. I loved them so much.'

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