He's fairly familiar with this neighborhood. It has a bad reputation. Sometimes, Liam visits these streets to find new dancers and potential customers.

"This place is crawling with evil humans," Louis explains eventually. "It's like a vampire's buffet."

Harry freezes. "Louis, I can't—"

"I'm taking you to a brothel," he interrupts. "Niall says he hunted there a few days ago."

Harry tenses at the word hunted. He hates feeling like a predator. Even if these people are bad, he doesn't want to kill them. It contradicts everything he learned in life. He can't comprehend the idea of taking somebody's life away for his own selfish gain. And the act of murder in itself, with all the blood and gore, sends a shiver down his spine.

It's ironic, Harry thinks. The one thing that keeps him alive also kills his conscious morality.

"Hey," Louis says abruptly, cutting off his train of thought. "Stop overthinking it. You're just doing what you need in order to survive."

Harry scoffs. "We kill people. Don't you feel guilty?"

He shakes his head without hesitation. "No, I don't feel guilt anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because we kill people who deserve to die."

Harry falls silent. He just focuses on breathing as he stares out the smudge-covered window. Louis's opulent car probably looks out of place in this poverty-stricken neighborhood. He doesn't know if he agrees with Louis, necessarily. A lot of people are bad, but that doesn't mean they deserve a death sentence.

"You thought I was a bad person when we first met," Harry murmurs quietly. "You thought I deserved to die, too."

Louis chews on the inside of his cheek for a few seconds. "But I didn't kill you, did I?"

"You almost did."

"But I stopped myself."

"Doesn't matter. Your judgement isn't perfect, Louis," Harry argues.

Louis frowns. "I can't let you starve to death. We're bonded, and you're my responsibility."

Harry crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm fine on my own—"

"No, you're not!" Louis shouts.

Abruptly, the car comes to a screeching halt as Louis presses the break. They both shoot forward, and Harry braces his hands on the dash. He sends Louis a sharp glare, but he just rolls his eyes and pulls over to the side of the road. He quickly puts the car in park to give Harry his undivided attention.

"You're not capable of fending for yourself," Louis snaps with intensity. "You almost died. Do you know how scared and useless I felt? If something happened to you, I— I don't know what I'd do. So, please, let me help you."

Harry sniffles and ducks his head. "I'm fine."

"You're freezing cold, Harry," Louis points out, pressing his palm to Harry's forehead. His skin feels like frost that covers windshields in the winter. "You're dying."

Harry blinks away his tears. He doesn't want to cry. "I'm okay."

"Harry," Louis chokes out. He sounds like he's suppressing the urge to sob. He's built up a wall to hide his vulnerability, but now Harry can see that it's starting to breakdown. "Please do this for me. I need you. You mean so much to me."

The green-eyed boy pauses momentarily. "I'm really scared," he breathes.

Louis gives him a sympathetic frown. He reaches over and grabs his hand, squeezing it. His fingers feel like stiff, brittle icicles. It's as if he can see the health, happiness, and strength draining from his body.

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